Teller Report

The Central Bank gave explanations on payment of loans during non-working days until May 11

4/29/2020, 3:05:42 PM

The Central Bank explained how to make payments on loans during non-working days and holidays until May 11.

As the regulator indicates, for transactions whose execution period falls on the period from May 6 to May 8, obligations will not be transferred.

“The Bank of Russia proceeds from the fact that obligations on financial transactions, the deadline for which is non-working days from May 6 to May 8, must be fulfilled by debtors within the period stipulated by the agreement,” the statement said.

At the same time, for transactions whose execution date falls on a public holiday on May 1, days off from May 2 to 5, inclusive, the day of the deadline is May 6.

“For transactions whose execution date falls on a public holiday on May 9, the days off on May 10 and 11, May 12 is considered the day of the expiration,” the Central Bank added.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the extension of non-working days until May 11.