Teller Report

Shetty accuses his company's managers of fraud and opening accounts in his name

4/29/2020, 10:56:36 AM

In the most recent and strangest statement issued by the founder of NMC Care, BR Shetty, in which he accused a group of former and current managers of carrying out fraud operations and opening accounts in his name without his knowledge and received by “Emirates Today”, in which he explained in detail respecting the legal and control procedures, and to make room A

In the latest and strangest statement issued by the founder of NMC Care, BR Shetty, in which he accused a group of former and current managers of carrying out fraud operations and opening accounts in his name without his knowledge and received by "Emirates Today", in which he explained in detail

Out of respect for legal and oversight procedures, and to make room for authorities in the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom as well as my affiliates, to accelerate the pace of investigations, I have refrained from making expanded media statements.

 "My self-restraint policy cost me dearly in material terms and affected my reputation. But since my legal and investigative investigations began to give some initial results, and with some misleading and inaccurate allegations made against me, it is time to reveal some things," he added.

 He said, "First, I would like to clarify that I have stopped carrying out executive duties in" NMC "for health care since 2017, and since that time I became a co-chairman of the board of directors in a non-executive capacity, and a shareholder in the company, and that I also resigned from the board of directors of" NMC ". “On February 16, 2020. The series of events that have raged since December 2019 have shocked me, like everyone else, including what was reported on fraud and abuse in NMC, as well as the presence of undeclared debts in the company and the size of that debt.

"The preliminary results presented by consultants working on my own investigations indicate that there were frauds and major irregularities that occurred in the" NMC "and" "Finablr", as well as in some of my private companies and against me personally. It turned out that this fraud was done by A small group of current and former managers of these companies.

Some of these preliminary results include, but are not limited to:

- Opening and operating bank accounts in my name through fraudulent methods, which included many fraudulent transfers, which I have not authorized, approved, and had no knowledge of.

- Providing personal loans and guarantees, checks, making bank transfers in my name fraudulently, and using a forged signature for me, I did not authorize or agree to them, and I did not know about them.

- Establishing companies in my name that I have not authorized, approved, or known to me, that were apparently created with the intention of committing or hiding fraud.

Establishing public agencies through fraudulent methods, and misusing existing agencies, in my name also, I did not authorize or agree to them and I did not know about them.

- Create false and misleading financial statements and provide them to me regarding the performance of some private companies and my investments by members of the management team in those companies.

Paying expenses using my private companies and my personal bank accounts, apparently with the aim of hiding the real financial data of the listed companies.

 "The consultants working on my own investigations, and I have personally shared the information and evidence we have found with all relevant boards of directors, as well as with relevant legal authorities and oversight bodies. We will continue to share this information proactively in parallel with our endeavors to assist these parties," she said. Go on with her investigations and respond to her inquiries.

 "I remain fully committed to working and coordinating with both companies and all relevant authorities in the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom to ensure the provision of full and comprehensive clarifications and show all facts to the parties concerned as soon as I know them, and as quickly as possible.

I have also started studying all the legal procedures and remedies available to me against those who have committed fraud in my companies and myself, and I will make sure to do the necessary.

The businesses that my family and I have established in the United Arab Emirates, and elsewhere around the world, over the past 45 years, have been built on pillars that combine hard work, determination, integrity and trust. The UAE has provided us with a supportive environment that has contributed immensely to the growth and prosperity of our businesses, and my family and I appreciate the myriad opportunities this country has provided us. On the other hand, we were hoping to provide some services and provide benefits and benefits to its people, both citizens and residents.

It saddens me to see everything that my family and I have worked on building over the past 45 years has been falling apart in a few months, due to excesses or irregularities of people I trusted very much, which left me and my family in a difficult financial situation.
I regret the condition of the thousands of employees who worked hard and diligently in the companies that we founded, and who feel instability, especially in light of the current health crisis, and it also pains me the extent of damage to my business partners and the shareholders that we worked with for a long time.

In conclusion, I affirm that I will do everything in my power to protect my reputation and provide assistance to all concerned authorities with a view to finding the truth, and to help recover the embezzled or lost funds by the perpetrators and return them to their rightful owners.

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