Teller Report

Putin spoke about the situation in the oil market

4/29/2020, 11:53:30 AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on energy development spoke about the situation on the oil market.

According to TASS, the Russian leader noted that in recent months, both Russian and global energy have faced serious shocks.

“These problems are systemic and go far beyond national borders,” he said.

According to him, the coronavirus negatively affected the global economy, as well as the demand for energy.

“The global energy market is not the first to encounter sharp, dramatic fluctuations in the situation ... True, this has not happened yet, it is true. I saw some of your public statements and I agree: this has not happened before, ”he said to the meeting participants.

At the same time, the Russian leader expressed the view that joint efforts, including within the framework of OPEC +, are needed to smooth out existing trends.

Earlier, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, commented on the situation with a sharp drop in oil prices.