Teller Report

Problem Solving

4/29/2020, 2:11:30 PM

“Prices for telephones in retail, of course, will rise, and not by 100 rubles, but by 1000 (there are no fools). And we will pay this difference, of course. But only that. And someone will make real money. No, not those programmers who will kill part of their active life by creating an unnecessary database. Instead of creating something really beautiful and necessary for people. No, those who we will never know will earn this money. And let them be fine. Because in a world where universal love and peace reign, such people will not be needed. And somehow they will have to live. And let's say thank you for at least not setting it on fire. ”

Just imagine that peace and universal love reigned. Now, in general, it would be good for everyone to imagine such a thing. For psychotherapeutic reasons. And here is peace and love, no one is watching and spying on anyone, everyone drinks champagne and dances. What should the conditional major of special services do in this situation? Nobody needs him anymore. But in addition to catching an attacker, this major can do nothing more. If you think this is a hypothetical situation, then not at all. In the history of mankind, it has appeared more than once. There were moments. And it was for such cases that the special services of the whole world came up with the main, fundamental method of their work: to create a problem, and then to solve this problem. What to report to those who give money.

Now everyone seems to be doing it. The Swedish military, before each approval of the military budget by the parliament, discovers a Russian submarine in the coastal waters. For many years now. Yes, they just wrote in the news that in the Irkutsk region they caught some local officials who were walking in the area of ​​forest fires with canisters filled with gasoline. Do you understand? Some kind of hole forgotten by God, 500 km from the regional center, 100 km to the nearest city. How to attract attention, how to attract at least some federal money to the city? So they decide to set fire to the damn mother. And write about it somewhere in Telegram. And then the ministers will have nowhere to go.

The proposal to register unique mobile phone identifiers (IMEI) in a single large database is similarly arranged. For 100 rubles, of course.

The need for this registration is explained by the fact that in case of theft of a mobile phone, the mobile operator will be able to turn it off and, therefore, stealing the phone will become pointless. I will not even explain to you here right now that not a single mobile operator will ever disconnect anything while it is being paid. But let’s logically: how does the presence of IMEI of a stolen phone in one large database allow the mobile operator to determine that this phone was stolen? Only in one case: if the owner of the stolen phone informs the mobile operator IMEI of the lost device. But if he can tell him, then why do we need a database? That's right: it is not needed at all, why. Only in order to collect 100 rubles from each telephone sold in Russia.

The second argument cited by the authors of the initiative: registration of phones should stop gray imports. But how can she stop it if everyone who buys a gray phone can register it for 100 rubles?

Can’t do it. He will register. And until the beneficiaries are unknown to us, they will receive the same 100 rubles from the phone.

This is not the first case of such a successful business. For example, we have an organization that collects money from importers and sellers of any devices that can record information. Just because these devices can be used to illegally duplicate copyrighted information. The money is small, but it is important here that they are paid just like that, for nothing. And the chicken, as you know, pecks at the grain.

Well, does it need to be said that all these laws of Yarovaya and the like are not aimed at protecting the Russian Internet from threats, but all the same: money. For completely meaningless storage of unnecessary information, equipment is needed. For some reason, this equipment must be certified. And who will certify it? We return directly to the beginning of the article. Create a problem - solve a problem. So, by the way, according to rumors, slightly less than all anti-virus companies in the world work. But this is my evaluative opinion, of course. No claims.

A reasonable question should arise here: what are we going to do? As they say in a famous joke: we will envy. Telephone prices in retail, of course, will rise, and not by 100 rubles, but by 1000 (no fools). And we will pay this difference, of course. But only that. And someone will make real money. No, not those programmers who will kill part of their active life by creating an unnecessary database. Instead of creating something really beautiful and necessary for people. No, those who we will never know will earn this money. And let them be fine. Because in a world where universal love and peace reign, such people will not be needed. And somehow they will have to live. And thank you for at least not setting it on fire.

The fact that all attempts to “regulate the Internet” are pointless because they contradict the very nature of the Internet, I have probably written a thousand articles. I wrote less about the regulation of communication devices, and there really is more scope for regulation (which is worth at least the stubborn reluctance of our military and special services to give frequencies for 5G communication). But still there is regulation, but there is “regulation”. If you want to make it more reliable and better, then no laws are needed for this. Put ten traffic exchange points and ten replicas of root DNS servers in the country, develop your own system of names and certificates. Is any of this made? No.

But the laws prescribing to collect money, not one is issued. And not two. And not three.

I don’t mind the money either.

But the information security of the country does not improve in any way.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.