Teller Report

NY Stock Market Rise Over $ 500

4/29/2020, 8:35:24 PM

[NHK] The New York Stock Market rose sharply on the 29th, with Dow's average share price rising more than $ 500 from the previous day. New model ...

NY Stock Market Rise Above $ 500 April 30 5:31

The New York Stock Market rose sharply on the 29th, with Dow's average share price rising more than $ 500 over the previous day. Following the announcement that the new drug candidates for new coronavirus have been shown to be effective, a wide range of stocks have been placed to buy.

The New York Stock Market Dow Average closing price on the 29th was 24,633.86 cents, up $ 532.31 from the previous day, marking a significant rise since 17th of this month.

With regard to lemdecivir, which is undergoing clinical trials as a therapeutic drug candidate, an American pharmaceutical company announced that the treatment was effective, etc., giving investors more peace of mind and buying orders for a wide range of brands. I gathered.

In addition, following the announcement of Google's financial results on the previous day, the strong performance of IT-related companies was once again recognized, and the NASDAQ market with many such brands has risen sharply.

Market officials said, "The fact that the Federal Reserve Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Board of the United States, declared that he would continue monetary easing for the time being at the conference held that day also helped the market." .

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