Teller Report

Mid-day guest - Covid-19: "An unprecedented situation for education" (Audrey Azoulay, Unesco DG)

4/29/2020, 9:38:36 PM

In an interview with France 24 and RFI, Audrey Azoulay, Director General of Unesco, evokes the consequences of the health crisis on access to education, but also the urgency of a saw ...

Covid-19: "An unprecedented situation for education" (Audrey Azoulay, DG of Unesco)

Audio 10:21

Audrey Azoulay, Director of Unesco. RFI / Pierre René-Worms

By: Frédéric Rivière Follow | Roselyne Febvre (France 24)

In an interview with France 24 and RFI, Audrey Azoulay, Director General of Unesco, evokes the consequences of the health crisis on access to education, but also the urgency of a more united science. She answers Roselyne Febvre and Frédéric Rivière. 


For the Director-General of Unesco, the effects of confinement on the youngest people around the world are considerable: “  I am not sure that we have measured the price we ask of the young generations in this crisis. At the height of the crisis, more than 90% of young people were out of school. 

This crisis also highlights inequalities, explains Audrey Azoulay:  “   The closure of schools weighs more heavily on the most disadvantaged. The situation aggravates social inequalities, between girls and boys and digital inequalities. For educational continuity, " we cannot go only through digital, "she believes. 

For the Director-General of Unesco, the coronavirus crisis should also be an opportunity to accelerate efforts in favor of "open science": "  New rules of the game in research are needed to promote international cooperation in science and better sharing of research and publications. 

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