Teller Report

Masks, gloves, hydroalcoholic gel ... Bookstores are preparing for deconfinement

4/29/2020, 1:50:59 PM

Edouard Philippe announced it during his speech on Tuesday before the National Assembly: some businesses will be able to reopen on May 11. Among these businesses are bookstores, which organize themselves to welcome customers in complete safety.

Edouard Philippe announced it during his speech on Tuesday before the National Assembly: some businesses will be able to reopen on May 11. Among these businesses are bookstores, which organize themselves to welcome customers in complete safety.

"The challenge is going to be to set up an organized stroll - it's almost an oxymoron - in the library." Christophe Daniel, bookseller at "La 25ème heure" in Paris, approaches deconfinement with philosophy. Among the shops authorized to reopen on 11 May, the date of the deconfinement, the details of which were given on Tuesday by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, there are indeed bookshops.

In his small bookstore in the 15th arrondissement, Christophe Daniel has therefore provided masks for employees, hydroalcoholic gel and the establishment of a maximum capacity of three customers at a time. "We will invent, during this period, a new way to walk in bookstores," he reassures himself.

>> LIVE  - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday April 29

Distribution of gloves and hydroalcoholic gel

If bookstores can reopen on May 11, they must put in place sanitary measures such as wearing a mask for employees or social distancing. And as at "La 25ème heure", we organize ourselves next to the large Mollat ​​bookstore in Bordeaux. Here, customers will not touch the handles. The CEO explains that there will be "only one entry with an automatic door and that there will, in the same way, only one exit".

Denis Mollat ​​also ensures that the boxes will be protected by plexiglass and that there will be supervisors "who will ensure that there are not too many people at the same time on the shelves". Finally, explains the CEO, "we will distribute hydroalcoholic gel and gloves so that people who want to consult a book can do so safely".


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Reopening is now a matter of survival for the booksellers, the turnover having dropped drastically due to containment. The few initiatives to withdraw orders or deliveries to the home have, for the moment, absolutely not compensated for the losses.