Teller Report

Followers of "Emirates Today" admit: Our customs after "Corona" are not the same as before

4/29/2020, 10:09:56 PM

At the beginning of the emergence of the new Corona virus, the world was not aware that it would contain many pages of habits and concepts, which formed a large part of the cultures of peoples transmitted by generations.

At the beginning of the emergence of the new Corona virus, the world was not aware that it would contain many pages of customs and concepts, which formed a large part of the cultures of peoples transmitted by generations.

However, the widespread and rapid spread of the virus prevented us from many of our daily habits, which we used to practice normally, without having the slightest idea of ​​what health risks might cause us, so many traditional concepts changed, and the way of life gradually changed, until it became What it is today, in light of the social divergence and the procedures used in most countries to limit the spread of Corona.

Certainly, the Corona virus will recede, like all other viruses and diseases that have ravaged the world over the ages and gone, but the question that arises here is: Will our habits change after "Corona" or will we return to what we were before?

Most people assert that life after "Corona" will not be the same as before it, and that many of the matters associated with the epidemic crisis must be changed, especially with regard to their daily habits, most of which they expect to change, such as shaking hands, hugs, sterilization, washing hands, and not leaving a distance Safe among them, changing diet and healthy style, spending more time with family, avoiding extravagance, and many more.

The Emirates Today newspaper conducted a poll in which I asked its followers on its platforms on social media: “Twitter”, “Facebook” and “Instagram”, about the habits that they might change after the end of the “Corona” crisis.

The answers of the followers varied, most of whom confirmed that life after "Corona" would be significantly different.

Hence the most prominent habits that have changed among the followers, on the three platforms, which they will continue until after the crisis:

Avoid shaking hands

Avoiding handshaking was one of the most visible changes in social norms since the Corona outbreak, and observers confirmed that this is one of the most important habits that have changed in light of this crisis, noting that there will be a cultural shift in the way in which they greet some of them.

Safe distance

Maintaining a safe distance is one of the most important recommendations that were directed to people to avoid infection with the Corona virus, and in this context, followers indicated that they have become more aware of leaving a safe distance between them and the other, to avoid infection with any type of virus, even the seasonal ones.

Healthy pattern

In the past, fast food from restaurants was a preferred and easy option for many, especially with going out to work and not having enough time to prepare food, but staying at home for a long time, and the fear of food from outside, made people depend on preparing meals in their homes, as they have become More aware of healthy methods that work to strengthen their immunity and protect them from diseases.

Observers said that the dependence on food from abroad will decrease significantly, considering that this is one of the most positive new habits they have acquired in light of this crisis, and that the widespread fears of contracting the virus made them pay more attention to their health.

Followers also stated that their health will be, from now on, above all, and that they will take more care than before by strengthening their immunity through exercise and healthy eating.

Hand washing and sterilization

Followers said that they had not previously realized the great importance of washing their hands for a period of no less than 20 seconds, which is the time needed to kill germs, nor were they aware of the importance of sterilizing the purposes they brought from abroad.

And they mentioned that the continuous sterilization of things and washing hands throughout the day, is one of the habits that have changed and that will continue with them until after "Corona".

Longer family time

Followers emphasized that the large period that they spent in their homes, without leaving them except for the necessary cases, reinforced the feeling of the great value of the family, which they were unable to realize to this extent previously, especially with the pressures of life, long working hours and different working hours.

Followers also admitted that "Corona" dealt with many family crises, and restored the interdependence dismantled by the many preoccupations, which made them put the family in their first concerns, hoping that they can maintain this commitment after the completion of this virus.

Saving and not being wasteful

Followers reported that the Corona virus drew their attention to the importance of making a budget for crises and thinking seriously about developing an economic plan that would allow them to save and protect them from being wasteful.

A large number of followers emphasized that many unnecessary things were spent on them by large sums, which they would cancel from their lives, reconsider all their expenses, and rearrange their priorities financially.

Sports and hobbies

Observers of people interested in playing sports said that one of the habits that they may change after "Corona" is to reduce the presence in the crowded gymnasiums.

While others emphasized that the period of quarantine and isolation made them feel the importance of time and organization of life, so they became more aware of themselves and their needs, and the need to empty part of the day to practice hobbies.

Estimate those who deserve it

Followers pointed out that, in light of the Corona virus and the great fears that accompanied it, they now appreciate what is known as the White Army, and they are doctors, nurses, and all health sector workers around the world.

They stressed that in the coming period they will be more interested in the medical field, and follow up on the latest research, developments and studies in general.

Community service activities

Followers emphasized that this crisis has awakened a feeling of responsibility towards themselves and towards others, and that they have become more aware of the need for collective behavior and the importance of solidarity and social solidarity, noting that "Corona" gave them a lesson that no disaster or crisis can be overcome without the presence of joint cooperation.

More time for worshipers

Many of the followers found that, while they were sitting in their homes, they were falling short in their worship, noting that they found spending more time in worship, reassurance and safety, in light of the fear and panic that accompanied the spread of the Corona virus, and confirmed that they would adhere to their worship more after leaving from This crisis.

From now on, peace is "remote" and avoids any kind of direct contact.

Caring for health, appreciating the family, and not being wasted .. is a top priority.

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