Teller Report

"May Day" ready to go out hi? If you forget this, you might have to run for nothing!

4/29/2020, 10:26:30 PM

  China News Service, Beijing, April 30 (Zhang Ni) The "May Day" holiday is coming, and many people plan to take advantage of this rare 5-day holiday to go out for a walk.

  However, the current domestic epidemic is not over yet, and the prevention cannot be relaxed. In this special "May Day", before you travel, these things must be understood in advance!

Data Map: Residents of a community in Sandun Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou enter and exit the community with the Alipay health code.  

Apply for the "Health Code" in advance

  During the epidemic, many shopping malls, hospitals, parks and other public places implemented the "health code access" system. Therefore, during this "May Day" holiday, you must always pay attention to your health code changes.

  Before you travel, you can check the epidemic risk level of the destination through the local government website, the mobile app of the national government service platform or the mini-program of the national government service platform, etc., and timely understand the local epidemic information.

  Individuals can apply for the “Pepidem Health Information Code” as a pass through the mobile app on the national government service platform, or on the WeChat public account “National Government Service Platform” applet.

  In addition, localities also have local “health codes”. People can apply for “health codes” according to the specific requirements of different areas.

Data Map: On April 5, thousands of cherry blossoms bloomed in Fenghuanggou Scenic Area, a suburb of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and the spring tide surged, attracting many tourists to enjoy cherry blossom vacation. Yu Liangliang photo

Make an appointment in advance to the scenic spot!

  If you want to visit the scenic spot on this "May Day" holiday, you must pay attention to the reservation regulations of the scenic spot.

  As early as April 13th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Health and Health Commission issued a notice requesting that during the epidemic prevention and control period, the tourist attractions only open outdoor areas, and the indoor places are temporarily closed. 30%.

  Various local governments have also formulated relevant policies based on their own situation.

  For example, according to the “May Day” travel reminder issued by Hubei recently, all tourist scenic spots also implement a time-slot reservation system except that the tourist reception volume should not exceed 30% of the maximum carrying capacity. Therefore, visitors must make reservations to purchase tickets and enter the park by time slot through mobile phone clients, the official website of the scenic spot, and telephone reservations.

  This year's "May Day" holiday, 10 ticketing parks out of 11 parks in Beijing will implement "network real-name appointment booking and real-name ticket admission" for the first time.

  Therefore, before traveling, visitors must understand in advance the reservation method of the scenic area, whether they need to bring ID cards and other relevant information to avoid a trip.

In a supermarket in Shaoxing, citizens consume. Xiang Jingshe

Don't forget to collect coupons before spending!

  In order to boost the economy and promote consumption, various localities have recently issued various kinds of consumer coupons of different denominations and types to the public.

  For example, from April 19, the Wuhan Municipal Government has successively released 500 million yuan of "Wuhan Consumer Vouchers" to all personnel in Han. All personnel in Han, including those from Laihan, can participate in the coupon voucher through online platforms such as Alipay and Meituan. These "consumption coupons" can be used in four areas: catering, shopping malls, supermarket convenience stores and cultural and sports tourism.

  Zhengzhou City recently announced that it will issue another 160 million yuan of social consumption vouchers for shopping and catering to continue to encourage local consumption.

  Therefore, people who have travel, shopping and other needs during the holidays can obtain the consumption vouchers in advance in order to enjoy the benefits.

Data map: On April 7, the weather in Hohhot became warmer, and a park staff sprayed disinfectant on the crowded area. (Reporter Liu Wenhua)

Keep away from others!

  Do not relax the string of epidemic prevention and control during the holiday on May 1st.

  Tourists should line up in an orderly manner during the play in the scenic area, maintain interpersonal distance, maintain good hygiene habits, pay attention to cough etiquette, and do good hand hygiene at any time.

  In addition, it is recommended to bring your own food when dining in the scenic area. For example, if you dine in the restaurant, it is recommended to sit at the same time or dine on the same side, and keep a distance of more than one meter from others.

Data map: People eat in a restaurant. Photo by Liu Ranyang

Use public chopsticks for dining!

  Recently, restaurants in various places have resumed dinning. However, during the epidemic, the public should pay attention to safe and civilized dining. While keeping a distance from other customers, public chopsticks should also be used.

  For example, according to the 4.0 version of the Business Service Guidelines for Catering Service Units during the epidemic period formulated by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, restaurants should fully implement public chopsticks and public spoons. The tableware must be washed and disinfected before use to achieve "one customer, one use and one disinfection".

  Use male chopsticks and spoons to reduce the chance of contact and transmission and reduce the risk of infection.

Data figure: Ethanol disinfectant. Photo by Jiang Hui

Take these items with you!

  During the "May Day" holiday, in addition to wearing a mask, some disinfection items are also recommended to be carried with you.

  After touching the surface of public goods such as handrails and public toilet door handles in the scenic area, you should wash your hands or use alcohol-free hand-washing disinfectant to clean your hands.

  However, those who want to travel by train or plane must pay attention to the relevant regulations.

  Taking the railway as an example, 84 disinfectant, no-clean antibacterial hand sanitizer and other alcohol-containing products are flammable and explosive dangerous goods and cannot be carried into the station.

  According to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, most no-clean hand sanitizers contain high-concentration alcohol, the volume percentage of alcohol is more than 70%, and cannot be checked, carried, or carried; Take it with you on board, but you can check it. It should be placed in retail packaging when it is checked. Each bottle should not exceed 500mL. It is recommended to carry small hand-washing liquid containing alcohol, disinfectant wipes or cotton pads with you in order to clean your hands and the places you may touch. (Finish)

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