Teller Report

Umm Al-Quwain Executive Council issues a decision regarding the reopening of commercial establishments in the emirate

4/28/2020, 9:59:24 PM

 The Executive Council of the Emirate of Umm Al Quwain issued a decision regarding reopening commercial establishments in the emirate based on amending the dates of the national sterilization program in the emirates of the country and according to the accurate evaluation of the situation by studying the reports submitted by the executive and field authorities responsible for uncle

 The Executive Council of the Emirate of Umm Al Quwain issued a decision regarding the reopening of commercial establishments in the emirate based on amending the dates of the national sterilization program in the emirates of the country and according to a careful assessment of the situation by studying the reports submitted by the executive and field authorities responsible for prevention and control operations in the face of the new epidemic of Corona, "Kofid - 19 ".

The decision included allowing establishments to partially resume commercial activity in the emirate, including shopping malls, open shopping areas and markets, provided that the capacity for visitors does not exceed / 30% / as well as adhere to precautionary and preventive measures such as sterilization, physical spacing, wearing masks, and not allowing The presence of congestion in the shops to avoid violation and closure

The decision stressed the necessity of the commitment of all the above mentioned commercial establishments to wear masks / masks / in a mandatory way, to wear gloves / optionally / and to provide tools for disinfection and sterilization on a large scale across various facilities and sites and to close public seating areas and chapels and to prevent entry and presence of those over the age of / 60 / Years, and the number of employees in any place or facility does not exceed 30% of the workforce, in addition to the commitment of all the employees and employees of the facility to the social spacing and the safety distance of two meters and the placing of floor stickers at points / cashier / and the perimeter of the facility.

The decision clarified that allowing restaurants to work with a capacity of / 30% / with a maximum presence of / 4 / people for each table / restaurants and cafes that have restaurant activity / while continuing to prevent the introduction of hookah / and to require the adoption of a distance of / 2.5 / meters as a minimum between tables.

The decision stipulated that men and women salons be allowed to open their doors to provide barber services, hairdressing and nail trimming only in accordance with conditions including the application of pre-booking appointments to receive customers and the banning of gatherings within the site and commitment to preventive and health measures on an ongoing basis in addition to providing tools for disinfection and sterilization on site.

The decision included continuing activities of cinemas, museums, heritage and archaeological areas, desert and recreational camps, massage and massage centers, wedding and event rooms, parks, parks, public beaches, children's play areas, amusement parks, gyms and fitness clubs, and swimming pools.

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