Teller Report

Spain: "progressive" deconfinement in stages until the end of June

4/28/2020, 7:44:24 PM

The Spanish government set the roadmap for the country's deconfinement on Tuesday. & quot; Progressive & quot ;, it spans six to eight weeks and will be done & quot; in stages & quot ;. Barring exceptions, schools will remain closed until September, while movement is limited within the provinces.

The Spanish government set the roadmap for the country's deconfinement on Tuesday. "Progressive", it spans six to eight weeks and will be done "in stages". Barring exceptions, schools will remain closed until September, while movement is limited within the provinces.

The Spanish government fixed Tuesday the roadmap of the "progressive" deconfinement of the country which will be done by "phases" until "end of June", announced its Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

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A deconfinement over six to eight weeks

"In the best of cases, the de-escalation phase towards the new normalcy will have a minimum duration of six weeks" and maximum of "eight weeks for the whole of Spanish territory," said Pedro Sanchez, adding that the transition between the different phases would depend on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. The general confinement of the country, the strictest in Europe, was already slightly relaxed on Sunday with the authorization for children under 14 to walk and must still be on Saturday 2 May with the possibility of playing sports alone outside or to walk among members of the same household.


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Schools closed until September

Once the "phase 0" - in which Spain is already, according to Pedro Sanchez - completed, shops, restaurants, hotels, cultural places will be able to reopen gradually but respecting strict attendance limits and safety distances . The schools will remain closed until September, with the exception of refresher activities or for children under 6 whose two parents cannot telecommute, said Pedro Sanchez.

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Travel still limited

By the end of the process, travel will be allowed for the Spanish only within their province while the use of the mask will be "highly recommended" especially in public transport, he added. said. "The only goal" of this plan, which will be implemented differently depending on the region of the country, "is to restart Spain while protecting the health and life of the Spanish," insisted Pedro Sanchez. With 23,822 deaths, Spain is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic in the world.

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