Teller Report

Now IVA sites for corona patients are opened at Sahlgrenska

4/28/2020, 7:17:30 PM

The management's aim was to keep Sahlgrenska as free as possible from covid-19 and collect confirmed cases on Östra. But today the first intensive care sites are opened at Sahlgrenska. - We are now preparing to receive patients for a long time and then we need to increase capacity, says Peter Dahm, Head of Operations at, among other intensive care units at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

For several days, artisans have worked feverishly to prepare the places. There is an emergency ward and about twenty places that are now being redone and will be intensive care units for patients with corona disease. All patients placed there are so ill that they require intensive care and respiratory care.

- The process regarding the influx of patients in need of intensive care seems to be more extended than we first expected. We need to have IVA seats available indoors at all hospital premises, ”says Peter Dahm.

Earlier, SVT Nyheter Väst has reported serious criticism from its own ranks and doctors who have been alarmed about what they consider to have been deficiencies in the care at the IVA Kronan field hospital which is outside the Eastern hospital. This criticism came at the same time as intensive care units were empty at Sahlgrenska. The management said afterwards they listened to the criticism and decided not to add more new patients to the tent.

Temporary stop of admissions

Instead, additional intensive care units were opened indoors at the Eastern Hospital and at Mölndal Hospital. Thus, there will be even more places to be used at Sahlgrenska. However, the decision to stop admissions to the field hospital turned out to be temporary.

- Last week we saw increased intake in both inpatient care and intensive care, which meant that we needed to use the sites in the IVA Kronan. The IVA Crown has been and continues to be an important part of the hospital's readiness to receive and care for a large number of patients with covid-19, says Peter Dahm.

Several of the senior doctors with whom SVT News had previously been in contact are satisfied with the decision to open the new sites at Sahlgrenska.

- It feels very positive. That we are finally getting places now, even though these would have come sooner, says one of the doctors.

According to Peter Dahm, Head of Operations, there is an even greater influx of patients who are seriously ill in the corona and can then open additional locations.

- We follow the development day by day and are constantly working to expand capacity indoors even more.