Teller Report

Dubai radar equipment modified after 'traffic restriction' eased

4/28/2020, 10:14:53 PM

The Director of the Traffic Department in the Dubai Police, Brigadier Saif Muheir Al Mazrouei, stated that the radar devices in Dubai have been reset to control the violators of restricting movement after the partial mitigation decision issued by the Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in the emirate, to be from ten in the evening until six

The Director of the Traffic Department in the Dubai Police, Brigadier Saif Muheir Al Mazrouei, stated that radar devices in Dubai have been reset to control violators of restrictions of movement after the partial mitigation decision issued by the Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in the emirate, to be from ten in the evening until six in the morning, instead of To be throughout the day.

Dubai Police recorded 58,641 radar violations during about three weeks since the beginning of the application of restricting pedestrian traffic and traffic within the framework of the national sterilization program around the clock, during the period from March 26 to April 16.

In detail, Al Mazrouei told «Emirates Today» that the commitment of a large group of members of the public during the restriction period of movement around the clock helped the concerned teams from the relevant authorities to achieve better sterilization operations in various areas of the emirate’s jurisdiction.

He explained that the radar devices in Dubai are managed by systems that depend on artificial intelligence, so they are adjusted according to the needs, and once the decision to restrict movement has been modified from preventing movement throughout the day to partial mitigation from ten in the evening until six in the morning, the radar devices have been reset on all streets of the emirate Internal and external, given that restriction of movement during this period is applied in all emirates of the state, and there is no justification for moving from one emirate to another, except for the groups excluded from the decision.

He stressed that there is a clear response at the present time from members of society, in light of the conviction that staying at home is the best solution to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, and to help the state agencies to play their role in addressing it.

Dubai Police liberated 52 thousand and 69 other violations of movement restriction instructions during the national sterilization program, by 45 thousand and 654 warning violations, and 6424 criminal violations, including 38 thousand and 702 violations of leaving the house without necessity or necessity or for reasons other than work or purchasing basic needs, and 10 thousand And 286 violations of not wearing medical masks in closed spaces, or failure to observe the social spacing distances between people, in addition to 3696 violations exceeding the number of passengers allowed in a single vehicle more than three people.

He pointed to the necessity to adhere to social separation and take caution because other violations related to the instructions of the competent health authorities, such as wearing a muzzle and not exceeding the permissible limit of passengers and social separation, will be freed around the clock, because they are not related to the decision to reduce movement, but rather the decision imposes on the public more Adhere to these instructions.

Dubai Police confirmed that the violation of the violation of preventing or restricting gatherings in public places or private farms and singles incurs the violator a fine of 10 thousand dirhams for those who invited or organized, and 5,000 dirhams for everyone who participated.

The Higher Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management announced a partial easing of movement restrictions in the emirate since last Friday, to start at ten in the evening and end at six in the morning, with some necessary conditions, including allowing visits to relatives of the first and second degrees only, while avoiding visiting those over the age of sixty And those with chronic diseases, and provided that the number of those present does not exceed five.

Precautionary measures

The Dubai Police General Command called for the necessity of physical separation with a separation of no less than two meters, wearing masks, and commitment to precautionary measures, stressing their full confidence in the public's solidarity and their response to health instructions for the safety of society.

She indicated that she allocated the number 901 and the police eye service to apply it to smartphones, to report violations, and to ensure the precautionary measures required to be adhered to.

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