Teller Report

Deconfinement: the reopening of the 4th and 3rd classes decided "end of May", announces Blanquer

4/28/2020, 8:05:35 PM

The Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer said on Tuesday evening on TF1 that the government will decide "at the end of May" on the reopening of the 4th and 3rd classes in college, after obtaining "total guarantees" health

The Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer said on Tuesday evening on TF1 that the government will decide "end of May" on the reopening of the 4th and 3rd classes in college, after obtaining "full guarantees" on the plan sanitary

The government will decide "end of May" on the reopening of 4th and 3rd classes in college, after obtaining "total guarantees" in terms of health, said Tuesday evening the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

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"A point at the end of May"

Asked in the TF1 8 p.m. newspaper about the reopening of the 4th and 3rd classes in middle school, the minister said he expected "a point at the end of May" and a decision will be taken "according to the evolution of the situation health and social ". "We are asking for total health guarantees. For that, we have to do notch by notch assessments, so we start with primary school (May 11) and as well as in grades 6 and 5 (May 18), in the green departments. If we can, we expand, we go further, that is to say towards the 4th and 3rd and as well as the high schools, and that we will say at the end of May ", a he said, a few hours after the Prime Minister's announcements on deconfinement at school.

In his speech, the Prime Minister only mentioned returning to class from May 18 for students in grades 6 and 5. The decision whether or not to reopen high schools in early June would also be made in late May. 


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A return in September for high school students?

Regarding high school students, the minister said he wanted "to assess the situation at the end of May, but it would be possible for them that the start of the school year will be in September", but "it is not at all what I want, "he said. 

Jean-Michel Blanquer wished to recall that "the fact of staying at home does not mean that we are out of school. Distance education will take on even more intensity for this", he continued. He also insisted on the "national framework" of school deconfinement but "with a lot of local flexibility". "There are local adaptations. For example, the CP return a week and the week after it is rather the CE1. (...). Hence the importance at the moment of the discussions that take place between the "National education and the mayors to advance notch by notch to adapt each local situation", he hammered.

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Finally, he added that his "goal is for each family to be informed by May 4 of what is going on for their child, whether in elementary school, middle school or high school, or by receiving a phone call of National Education, either by consulting the site of the academy which one raises ".