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You tell me the news ! - Amphitryo, Hélène label for tunes from three

4/27/2020, 1:38:29 PM

Polyinstrumentists Pierre Baldy-Moulinier (trombone, bugle, trumpet, tuba, flute), Sylvain Felix (saxophone, bass clarinet) and Nicolas Frache (guitar, bass) are the guests of VMDN for…

Amphitryo, Hélène label for airs of three

Audio 48:30

Photograph of the musicians of the group Amphitryo: Sylvain Felix, Pierre Baldy-Moulinier and Nicolas Frache. Credit: Amphitryo

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

Polyinstrumentists Pierre Baldy-Moulinier (trombone, bugle, trumpet, tuba, flute), Sylvain Felix (saxophone, bass clarinet) and Nicolas Frache (guitar, bass) are the guests of VMDN for their album "Cheval de Troie", an epic musical through the great Mediterranean myths.


There are three of them. Like the Judges of Hell (Eaque, Radamanthe and Minos); like Moires (Clotho, Lachésis and Atropos), or like Erinyes (Tisiphone, Mégère and Alecto). But also like the Gorgons, the Grées, the Charites, the Hours and the Hesperides. Not to mention of course the Zeus-Poseidon-Hades Triad that share the world, the 3 heads of Cerberus or the Hydra of Lerne. You understood, it is an understatement to say that the number 3 is omnipresent in Greek mythology. Nothing could be more logical than a trio, in this case an "AmphiTryo" which is inspired by it to put in the saddle a first album which could not be called otherwise than "Trojan Horse".

VMDN has been giving the floor to artists involved in the fight against Covid-19 for several weeks. Today, direction Senegal to find one of the leading figures of the Y'en a marre movement , the rapper Simon Kouka . Their videos in several episodes entitled "Fagaru Ci Coronavirus" (prevent coronavirus in Wolof) are available on Youtube as well as their clip shot at the Fann Hospital in Dakar, to discover by clicking here .

The "Conficulture" column : Today, Monday, April 27, 2020, Amélie Beaucour talks to us about drawing and creating a comic book scenario in confinement time.

On the program:
- Draw your Coronamaison by downloading the blank model and discovering the 1,200 floors that make it up by clicking here . A collective sketch proposed by the cartoonist and author of BD Pénélope Bajieu.
- The operation throughout France draws to be discovered by clicking here
- The BDnF app to download for free anywhere in the world and on all supports (PC, MAC, Android, IOS ...), in French or in English here .

Even before the coronavirus put the world's health systems to the test, the World Health Organization had named 2020 the year of nurses and midwives. A decision taken in part to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of nursing science. The teachings of this Briton who lived from 1820 to 1910 are still very useful today. The eponymous museum, in the premises of Saint Thomas Hospital in south London, dedicates a special exhibition to him. The opportunity to return to his journey with our correspondent Marie Billon.

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