Teller Report

What does it mean to stop abusing abandoned pets? Introduce pet management regulations in multiple places

4/27/2020, 7:54:09 PM

What does it mean to stop abusing abandoned pets

During the epidemic, more and more pets were abandoned

  □ Our reporter Pu Xiaolei

  Wuhan citizen Li Qing clearly remembers that since the outbreak, she has seen and heard about the abandoned pets many times.

  During the epidemic, Li Qing first learned about the abandonment of pets in a WeChat circle of friends. On February 11, the person in charge of a pet hospital in Wuhan sent a circle of friends: "Who put the dog at the door of the hospital? We didn't open the door, it was a photo sent by the guest. Now the road is closed, and our people can't get through, trouble. Whoever puts it here, please take it back, otherwise the dog will starve to death. "

  "As you can see from the photo, this abandoned pet dog is still wearing clothes, and the box used to hold the pet is relatively new. It should be abandoned by the owner. I do n’t know why it is done because I am worried that the pet will infect the new crown. Is it a virus? But this has rumored it! "Li Qing said a little puzzled.

  Even if there are rumours by authoritative experts, some pets have not been able to escape the rumor. During the epidemic, pets were abandoned and abused in many places. In response to this problem, many countries have issued pet management regulations during the epidemic, which clearly prohibits the abuse and abandonment of pets.

  Sun Yuhua, an associate professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, recently said in an interview with a reporter from the Legal Daily that the abuse of pets is currently more condemned from a moral level, and there are no clear prohibitions in the law. Considering the current situation of uneven development in various parts of our country, it is recommended that local legislation should be implemented first, and the animal welfare law should be formulated at the national level after conditions are ripe to classify and protect animals.

Pets have been rumored to be abandoned by mistakes

  The sudden outbreak of new pneumonia has not only brought huge disasters to mankind, but also caused some pets to suffer the "catastrophe."

  At the beginning of the outbreak, pets were infected with new coronavirus, pets spread new coronavirus and other similar claims quickly spread online, but these claims were quickly corrected by authoritative organizations and experts.

  On January 29, the World Health Organization confirmed that there is no evidence that domestic cats and dogs will be infected with the new coronavirus. At the thirteenth regular outbreak prevention and control conference held in Hubei Province on February 3, Jiang Rongmeng, a member of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, pointed out that no pets infected with coronavirus have been found to be transmitted to humans, nor have they been found. Infected with coronavirus and transmitted to cats and dogs.

  Even so, there are still a large number of pets abandoned, abused and even killed.

  In cities such as Wuhan and Nanjing, many cats and dogs have been abandoned by their owners and stray on the streets; in places such as Shanghai and Tianjin, some people have thrown cats and dogs that have been reared for many years from high buildings ... Pet abuse.

  At the same time, some departments and staff also joined the ranks of abandoned pet abuse.

  In Jiangsu, Shaanxi and other places, community workers come to "handle" pets without permission during the house owner's isolation observation period.

  Xi’an Dayangyangdong Community issued a notice on January 30 stating that in the face of a severe epidemic, pets are prohibited in this community from now on. Owners who keep dogs, cats and other pets should take care of the overall situation and immediately dispose of their pets at home. If there is a violation of the top wind, once found, the Weiyang District Public Security Branch hit the dog team to force the killing and punish the owner. After the notice was issued, it caused dissatisfaction among residents and some members of the public, and the community subsequently withdrew the notice.

  "All animals should be treated humanely, not to mention companion animals who get along with people day and night? Abandoning pet abuse is not only a disregard for life, it is also more likely to cause other public health problems, which is not conducive to epidemic prevention and control. Development. "Sun Yuhua said.

Documents are issued in many places to prohibit the abandonment of pet abuse

  In response to the abandonment of cruelty to animals, many regulations have been issued to prohibit them.

  The “Notice on Effectively Regulating Civilized Dog Breeding Behaviors” issued by the Public Security Bureau of Luliang City and the City Administration of Shanxi Province stipulates that dogs must not be abused or abandoned.

  The Public Health Emergency Headquarters of Yueyang City, Hunan Province issued a circular on the management of dogs during the epidemic, clearly stating that it is strictly forbidden to abuse or abandon the dogs raised.

  The Office of the Leading Group for Dog Breeding Management in Dongying City, Shandong Province requested that citizens send dogs who do not want to continue to the Dog Confinement and Relief Inspection Station in a timely manner. The principle of immunization, feeding and medical treatment for dogs.

  Such a consensus already exists for prohibiting the abandonment of pet abuse.

  Earlier, dog management regulations issued in many places in China also explicitly prohibited the abandonment of abusive pets. For example, the “Guangzhou Dog Breeding Management Regulations” clearly stipulates that dog owners should properly manage and raise dogs, and must not interfere with the normal production and life of others, affect public order and safety, or disrupt the sanitation, environmental sanitation, or abuse or abandon dogs. only.

  During the 2018 National People's Congress meeting, Wang Chaoying, deputy director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, pointed out in an interview with the media that from the perspective of the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals, from the perspective of social ethics, every animal breeder has to care for his own animals There is a responsibility in this respect. Any act of abandoning or cruelty to animals should be disregarded by society and should be regarded as an act of loss of public morality. This has been agreed.

Should legislate to ban pet abuse and clarify responsibilities

  Although there has been a consensus in the society that "abandoning cruel animals is a loss of ethics", there are no special legal provisions, and the phenomenon of abandoning cruel animals has occurred in recent years.

  Qian Yefang, a professor at the Law School of Zhejiang University of Technology, believes that for the needs of social security and stability, teaching and educating people, and improving animal legislation, it is necessary to formulate a pet protection and management law.

  Qian Yefang suggested that the law clearly stipulates that it is forbidden for all people to abuse cats and dogs and illegal cat and dog meat transactions. For abuses and abandonment, according to the severity of the circumstances set up economic responsibility, administrative responsibility and criminal responsibility and other forms of responsibility. The prohibition of illegal cat and dog meat trades is aimed at retaining the concealment of Chinese people, protecting the property safety of animal owners, and maintaining the dignity of animal epidemic prevention laws and food safety laws.

  "It is also necessary to control the production of stray animals from the source and establish a rescue system. Source control relies on the prohibition of abandonment, private breeding and trading are strictly prohibited. For existing stray animals, the government cooperates with civil society to co-governance, encourage public welfare organizations to participate, and subsidize civil rescue The behavior requires that village committees, neighborhood committees, streets and colleges and other communities or organizations fulfill their obligations to cooperate in the rescue and management of stray animals. "Qian Yefang said.

  Qiao Xinsheng, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, believes that not only should legislation pass to prohibit the abuse of pets, but also to the height of animal welfare.

  Qiao Xinsheng pointed out that China still lacks a leading animal protection law. There are no specific provisions on animal classification in the current law, but only in the Wildlife Protection Law and some administrative regulations and local regulations, the rare and endangered wildlife and the Provisions are made for wild animals with valuable value.

  "It is necessary for our country to formulate a special animal protection law to classify and manage animals, and on this basis, formulate specific rules for different types of animals, so as to completely eliminate the behavior of abandoning and abusing pets." Qiao Xinsheng said.

  Sun Yuhua believes that in order to prevent the abuse of pets, it is necessary to make up for the shortcomings in legislation, but taking into account the current situation of uneven development across the country, it is difficult to rashly introduce an animal welfare law at the national level.

  "It is possible for local governments to make legislation first to explore the legal responsibility for pet abuse and other issues, and to formulate animal welfare laws at the national level when conditions are ripe," said Sun Yuhua.

  (Li Qing is a pseudonym at the request of the interviewee)