Teller Report

Trump: The whole world is suffering because no party has acted well from the start

4/27/2020, 11:26:29 PM

US President Donald Trump announced today, Tuesday, that he is considering imposing fines on China because of the Corona virus, adding that work is being done to treat patients as Covid 19 and the country’s economy is gradually opened, stressing that the whole world suffers because a party has not improved its behavior from the start.

US President Donald Trump announced today, Tuesday, that he is considering imposing fines on China due to the Corona virus, adding that work is being done to treat Covid 19 patients and gradually open the economy in the country, stressing that the whole world suffers because a party has not improved behavior from the start.

Trump said at the American Crisis Cell conference on the developments of the pandemic, that the tests conducted by the United States are twice as much as any other country, adding that several countries have contacted Washington to find out the American plan to reopen the economy.

He continued: "We have provided hundreds of thousands of personal protective equipment, and we provide accurate numbers, but other countries are not doing the same."

The US President stressed that the economy will improve throughout the year, noting that "next year will be wonderful", and that America has the best economy in the world, but the pandemic has affected it.

For its part, the Crisis Cell said that 50 thousand examinations of Corona are performed on a daily basis, explaining: "We aim to reach 100,000 examinations."

On the other hand, about the situation of the North Korean leader, the US President said that he knows how the leader Kim Jong Un is doing.

Trump added, “I can't tell you exactly.” Yes, I have a very good idea, but I can't talk about that now. I wish him only success. "

He continued: "I hope he's okay. I know how he's doing relatively. We'll see - you'll probably hear something in the near future."

Trump commented earlier on Kim's health, saying: "I have an excellent relationship with the North Korean leader, and if not for this relationship, we would be at war now."

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