Teller Report

The Public Health Authority stops MSB's new corona initiative

4/27/2020, 9:20:30 PM

MSB's new digital corona tool has been ready for weeks - but now the Public Health Authority is stopping the launch. The reason is that the authority has raised criticism of the service. - For the time being, the National Wildlife Authority does not want it, says Anna Lindbäck, press officer at MSB.

The Swedish Agency for Protection and Preparedness (MSB), the Public Health Authority and the National Board of Health have collaborated for some time to develop a digital tool in the form of a web site with the purpose of mapping symptoms of covid-19 and Swedish behavioral changes as a result of the pandemic.

The technology has been ready for weeks, but in a press release on Monday, MSB states that the launch has been paused indefinitely.

The reason is that the Public Health Authority is not satisfied.

"FHM's choice"

- It's the FHM's choice. It is because of reactions from regions and county boards, so of course we listen to it, says Anna Lindbäck, press officer at MSB, and continues:

- However, it is important to emphasize that we have developed the tool according to their wishes. But for the moment you don't want it.

What is it about the tool that FHM has responded to?

- You may ask them that.

SVT already reported last week that MSB had planned a major campaign with commercials, call centers and mass mailing of SMS with a link to the test page of the tool. 

"Can cause concern"

Both the county administrative board in Stockholm and state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell criticized the launch plans and, among other things, believed that a text message could create concern and increase the search pressure on health care.

When a launch can be up to date is now unclear.

- I think we pause until we get another message. FHM is experts in infection detection. We get to work according to their wishes, ”says Anna Lindbäck.

SVT News has sought a comment from the Public Health Authority.