Teller Report

Moscow evaluated the effectiveness of plasma donation in the treatment of coronavirus

4/27/2020, 8:35:35 PM

Doctors in Moscow note improvements in the condition of patients with coronavirus infection after transfusion of blood plasma from those who recovered from COVID-19, said Anastasia Rakova, deputy mayor of the capital for social development.

“Doctors record obvious improvements in patients after using plasma donors. They see that there are practically no complications, side effects, and the disease is much easier, ”Vesti quoted her on the television channel Russia 1.

At the same time, Rakova recalled that this treatment method is used only in critically ill patients.

Earlier, an epidemiologist at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology Timur Pesterev, in an interview with the PolitExpert publication, evaluated the effectiveness of plasma in the fight against coronavirus.