Teller Report

"Mine de rien" on VOD: a film "that resonates with current events, confinement, solidarity"

4/27/2020, 5:11:23 PM

Released in cinemas shortly before containment measures, the film "Mine de rien" is now available on video on demand platforms. Headlining, the actor Arnaud Ducret was the guest of Europe 1, Monday. According to him, this film, which he accepted six years ago, resonates more with the news today.

Released in cinemas shortly before containment measures, the film "Mine de rien" is now available on video on demand platforms. Headlining, the actor Arnaud Ducret was the guest of Europe 1, Monday. According to him, this film, which he accepted six years ago, resonates more with the news today.


The cinemas have been closed since the start of containment. Among the films which had just been released, Mine de rien , saw its theatrical release abruptly interrupted. Now available on video on demand (VOD), the film directed by Mathias Mlekuz brings together Mélanie Bernier, Philippe Rebot, and Arnaud Ducret. The latter was the guest of L'Équipée sauvage, Monday on Europe 1. For him, it is a film "which resonates with the news, a film on solidarity and the collective".

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"Six years later, the resonance is all the stronger"

"It is a film that I accepted six years ago," explains Arnaud Ducret at the microphone of Europe 1. "Six years later, we rewind it, and while it is the same subject as it six years ago, the resonance is all the stronger with the confinement, but also with the group of 'yellow vests' and this solidarity which wants to get out ", continues the actor.

The film tells the story of a group of unemployed people, living in a mining region who, to get out of it, decide to build a craft amusement park on an old abandoned coal mine. "In England, we see a lot of films on solidarity and the collective," says Arnaud Ducret, who notably quotes  The Full Monty  (Peter Cattaneo),  The Commitments  (Alan Parker), but also Ken Loach's feature films.

"In the spirit of The Full Monty "

Mine de rien  is a film "in the spirit of Full Monty", assures Arnaud Ducret, evoking for example a nod to the scene of the British film where the actors repeat their dance steps in the queue of a postal bank. "It's a nice social tale about solidarity in a very egocentric period."

At the request of certain producers and distributors whose films, recently released in theaters, have seen their life expectancy in theaters swept away by the coronavirus, the National Cinema Center (CNC) has authorized by derogation some thirty of them to be operated on video on demand platforms. Among them, the film Forte , by Katia Lewkowicz, with Melha Bedia, was also released on VOD on April 15.