Teller Report

The Everton player had a home party - the club condemns

4/26/2020, 10:26:29 AM

Premier League club Everton's Italian striker Moise Kean violated government restrictions as pictures leaked from a home party he hosted. The club has now gone out and condemned the 20-year-old's actions. "The club has definitely expressed its disappointment to the player and made it clear that it is unacceptable," they write in a statement.

In the United Kingdom, there are strict restrictions to avoid the spread of the corona virus, but they broke Kean by arranging a party in his apartment.

"Everton has regularly stressed the importance of following all government guidelines through a series of official statements to all staff, including players," writes the Premier League club.

Kean is also not the only Premier League player to have broken the rules. Earlier, Kyle Walker did the same when he also arranged a party at his house.

Kean, who joined from Juventus in 2019, has not yet commented on the event.