Teller Report

Reducing movement restrictions in Al-Ras and Nayef regions after “Zero” Corona cases

4/26/2020, 7:08:52 PM

The Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai, chaired by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, decided to ease the movement restrictions imposed on the Ras and Nayef regions and allow the movement to return to normal during grace times from six in the morning until ten in the evening with

The Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai, chaired by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, decided to ease the movement restrictions imposed on the Al-Ras and Nayef regions and allow the movement to return to normal during grace times from six in the morning until ten in the evening with continued restriction of movement during the night hours It runs from ten in the evening until six in the morning, as is the practice in the rest of the Emirate of Dubai. 

The committee’s decision to ease the restrictions imposed on movement, which continued completely 24 hours a day, starting from March 31, in light of the great success achieved by the efforts to combat the emerging Corona Virus in this region during that period, as no new cases of infection were recorded. With the virus in all of these regions during the past two days, after completing more than 6000 medical examinations in their surroundings in less than one month, this achievement comes as a tribute to the efforts of the concerned authorities that participated in comprehensive sterilization operations, trapping the infection and reducing the chances of its spread, and monitoring infected cases as well as suspected She was injured and taken a For health measures regarding it, whether by referring to isolation or quarantine and providing the necessary medical care. 

The Committee thanked the residents of these two regions for their great understanding and cooperation, which contributed to the success of the anti-virus efforts, as well as to all those who participated in achieving this achievement, which highlights the efficiency of the precautionary and preventive measures taken at the emirate level, and the great efficiency of the first ranks within the various Field crews contributing to the response to the epidemic, and the Committee appreciated the great efforts of teams: the Corona Virus Control and Control Center, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai Police General Command, Dubai Civil Defense Department, Dubai Ambulance Corporation and National Foundation For the Emirates, and others that have worked around the clock during the past months to ensure the highest levels of protection for citizens and residents alike throughout Dubai. 

The decision allows life to return to normal to a large extent in the regions of Ras and Nayef, taking into account the conditions and precautions contained in the committee’s decision issued a few days ago to reduce restrictions imposed on the movement of individuals and a wide range of economic activities throughout the emirate, as the ban became effective for movement during the period from the tenth Evening until six in the morning, as everyone must commit to stay at home and not leave during those hours except for the most urgent need and in urgent health cases, while continuing with the vital sectors excluded from work, including delivery services and hospitals. 

The committee pointed out that the intensive procedures that took place in these two regions with their high intensity, given the large number of people in addition to the large commercial activity in them, which included sterilization operations as well as medical examinations related to the Corona virus conducted by the specialized teams from the Dubai Health Authority, were done very easily Within a tight framework of precautionary measures aimed at providing full protection for the field work teams in charge of these operations, volunteers as well as the general public, while all the basic supplies and food supplies necessary for the residents of the region were provided during the period of complete closure, Cooperation with large numbers of volunteers who have made a considerable effort in the implementation of that task and others showed how the model of community cohesion in times of crisis. 

 The Committee expressed its hope that this good achievement would be a prelude to a new stage of confronting the pandemic that the world is joining together to address, and that it would be a start to take the indicator of the number of casualties in an opposite direction to reach the final elimination of this major health challenge, while the Committee emphasized that the spatial divergence Maintaining the safe distance between people (not less than 2 meters), preserving the possibility to avoid mixing with others, wearing masks at all times outside the home, using sterilizers, caring for hygiene, and washing hands continuously with water and soap for a period of not less than 20 seconds. Fairway virus and limit its spread.

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