Teller Report

Good news. Spain allows hiking and exercise at the end of next week

4/26/2020, 11:05:23 AM

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that citizens will be allowed to practice individual sports and excursion starting next weekend, in the latest step to ease the country's closures, which are considered among the world’s toughest in the face of the emerging Corona virus.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that citizens will be allowed to practice individual sports and excursion starting next weekend, in the latest step to ease the country's closures, which are considered among the most severe in the world in the face of the emerging Corona virus.
Sanchez said that the government will unveil next Tuesday an expanded plan to exit from the closure, which is likely to be implemented in the second half of May.
He pointed out that if the curve of "the epidemic continues to evolve positively as has happened so far, starting from May 2, individual sport and hiking with the people you live with will be allowed."
Unlike most other countries, since the imposition of the closure on March 14, Spain has not allowed its citizens to go out for walks, jogging, or bike rides, but only to buy food and medicine in addition to medical emergencies.
Children were also not allowed to go out under any circumstances. But by Sunday, all these rules will change, as they will be allowed to go out for an hour every day with a parent to walk or play in an area no more than one kilometer from the house.
The emergency in Spain extended this week until midnight on May 9th, and Sanchez indicated that the transition to normalcy would gradually occur.
"We have to act with the utmost care. We have made many sacrifices ... and we will not risk all of this," he said.
"We do not have a guaranteed guidebook, nor a specific road map. We will not suddenly resume all (economic and social) activities. We will do this in stages."

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