Teller Report

France is discussing a plan to reduce public isolation tomorrow

4/26/2020, 10:02:46 PM

The office of French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, said that he will present to Parliament tomorrow, the government's plan to reduce the measures of public isolation imposed in the country, and the statement of the Prime Minister that will be delivered this week will be followed by an open debate and then a vote. French President Emmanuel Macron had ordered the imposition of

The office of French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, said that he will present to Parliament tomorrow, the government's plan to reduce the general isolation measures imposed in the country, and the Prime Minister's statement that will be delivered this week will be followed by an open debate and then a vote.

French President Emmanuel Macron has ordered the imposition of general isolation measures since March 17 to curb an outbreak of the Coronavirus, and it is scheduled to be lifted on May 11.

Macron is seeking to ease some measures of public isolation and open schools, although the government has not finalized how this will be done.

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