Teller Report

Covid-19 in France: net drop in balance over 24 hours with 242 additional deaths

4/26/2020, 5:47:28 PM

In France, the coronavirus pandemic has caused the death of 22,856 people since the beginning of March, but the toll of the past 24 hours is down sharply with 242 additional deaths recorded.

France records a clear drop in the daily death toll from coronavirus. Since the beginning of March, the coronavirus epidemic has killed 22,856 people, but the assessment of the last 24 hours has recorded a clear decline, with 242 new deaths, announced, Sunday, April 26, the Directorate General of Health (DGS). The 24-hour toll recorded the day before stood at 369 dead.

In total, the pandemic killed 14,202 people in hospitals, or 152 more deaths in 24 hours, the lowest daily toll for five weeks. In addition, 8,654 deaths were recorded in retirement homes and other medico-social establishments (+90), said the DGS in a press release.

With AFP

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