Teller Report

Coronavirus, Phase 2: press conference of President Giuseppe Conte

4/26/2020, 6:29:29 PM

The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in a press conference, immediately after the control room with the regional presidents and local authorities on the reopening plan of Phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency. First, a prudent step towards normalcy. The Prime Minister accelerates on the Dpcm which will start phase two starting from May 4th. But, as the head of government had already anticipated, he will not be a free everyone. <iframe src = "" width = " 560 "height =" 315 "style =" border: none; overflow: hidden "scrolling =" no "frameborder =" 0 "allowTransparency =" true "allowFullScreen =" true "> </iframe>  

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April 26, 2020 The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in a press conference, immediately after the control room with the regional presidents and local authorities on the reopening plan of Phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency. First, a prudent step towards normalcy. The Prime Minister accelerates on the Dpcm which will start phase two starting from May 4th. But, as the head of government had already anticipated, he will not be a free everyone.