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18 days coma and 55 "stitches" in the head .. Amr Zaki reveals his suffering

4/26/2020, 8:41:23 AM

Once again, the star and scorer of the Zamalek team and the former Egyptian team, Amr Zaki, appeared after the absence of nearly a year from the big and bloody accident that he had been exposed to reveal his suffering during this big period and tells the details of the accident. Amr Zaki had been subjected to a major accident in Egypt while on the road To Elsa

Once again, the star and scorer of the Zamalek team and the former Egypt team, Amr Zaki, appeared after the absence of nearly a year from the big and bloody accident that he had been exposed to reveal his suffering during this big period and tells the details of the accident.

Amr Zaki had a major accident in Egypt while on the way to the northern coast before his cars were subjected to a major accident that led to his stay in hospitals for 6 months and suffered due to numerous injuries.

Amr Zaki said in his statements to the Zamalek satellite channel: "I needed 6 months of treatment in hospitals, and I returned to normal life only 40 days ago, after I underwent treatment since last August 30, I was in a coma for at least 18 days and suffered a lot in hospitals until I managed To go back naturally again. "

"In the beginning I crashed into a tourist bus, then on the mountain and then in the tree, I returned the car a month ago in front of the house and every day I look at it, I wonder how the person who got out of this car is," added the Egyptian professional in the ranks of the former English Wigan.
He continued: "The last thing I remember that I was heading towards the resort in which I reside in the northern coast, and then the bus crashed into the frame of the car, I was subjected to 55 stitches in my head, in addition to the presence of internal bleeding in my stomach, continued until I reached Cairo, and cracked in the neck soon From a fracture, a crack in the pelvis, and injuries to my feet. "

The scorer, nicknamed the bulldozer, thanked Muhammad Zaidan for standing next to him, saying: “As soon as he learned about the accident, he came directly to me and collapsed because he had seen what had happened to me, but everyone told me that he stayed beside me all the time and treated me as a brother.”

On his career in football and professionalism in Europe: “With the end of the first round of the season during which Luigan played, I was the top scorer in the Premier League with the star Cristiano Ronaldo, Manchester United star at the time.”

Amr Zaki confirmed that the Egyptian team in Russia 2018 was in need of a player like Mustafa Mohamed, commenting: "We were in Russia in need of the player with the value and enthusiasm of Mustafa Mohamed."

Amr Zaki stressed the talent of Mostafa Mohamed and his ability to achieve achievements for the Egyptian football in the future, adding that Hossam Hassan, the former top scorer of Egyptian football, is his idol, and he said: “Hossam is my idol and I think that it is for all of Egypt’s attackers. Africa 2006 with the Egyptian team shirt, Hassan Shehata is the spiritual father of the golden generation of the Pharaohs.

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