Teller Report

“Washington takes advantage of the situation”: how the US reacted to Iran launching its first military satellite

4/26/2020, 11:08:58 PM

The Pentagon questioned the intelligence capabilities of the first Iranian military satellite, Nur-1, launched on April 22. US Space Forces Commander General John Raymond called the device “a webcam dangling in space,” which is unable to provide the necessary information. At the same time, on the eve of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on the contrary, said that Tehran’s launch of a military satellite indicates the danger posed by the republic’s space program. Experts note that such contradictions are characteristic of the foreign policy of the White House. According to analysts, Washington will use the new accusations against Tehran as an excuse for expanding sanctions against the republic.

The United States Department of Defense questioned the intelligence capabilities of the first Iranian military satellite, Nur-1, which had been launched a few days earlier. This was stated by the commander of the US Space Forces, General John Raymond.  

“Iran stated that (satellite. - RT ) is capable of shooting (of the earth’s surface. - RT ), but in reality it’s just a webcam dangling in space, which is hardly capable of reconnaissance,” Raymond wrote on his Twitter page. .

@US_SpaceCom continues to track 2 objects @ PeteAFB's @ 18SPCS associated w / # space launch from Iran, characterizing NOUR 01 (#SATCAT 45529) as 3U Cubesat. Iran states it has imaging capabilities — actually, it's a tumbling webcam in space; unlikely providing intel. #spaceishard

- Gen. Jay Raymond (@SpaceForceCSO) April 25, 2020

He also noted that the US Space Forces command "continues to monitor" two objects, "which they associate with the space launch" of the Nur-1 satellite. According to Raymond, the 18th US Air Force Space Control Squadron described him as a small satellite in the Kubsat 3U format.

Moreover, on the eve of the US Secretary of State, on the contrary, said that the launch of a military satellite by Tehran speaks of the danger posed by the Iranian space program.

“The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, recognized by the United States as a foreign terrorist organization, launched a military satellite this week, and this confirms what we have been saying all this time: Iran’s space program is not peaceful and not exclusively civilian,” the press quoted -Pentagon Service Pompeo words.

The US Secretary of State also blamed the Iranian authorities for lying, who, he said, had previously stated that Iran’s space program was peaceful.

“The most recent military launch, prepared and carried out secretly, proves that these statements were a lie. A launch vehicle for satellite delivery and previously launched delivery vehicles utilize technologies identical to ballistic missiles or capable of replacing them, including long-range systems such as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), ”said the head of the US foreign department.

Pompeo also called on other countries to show joint resistance to Iran.

“All peace-loving states must reject Iran’s development of ballistic missile technology and join forces to deter Iran’s dangerous missile programs,” said Pompeo.

In addition, Pompeo believes that other countries should support the extension of the arms embargo against Iran at the UN Security Council, which expires in October. He also appealed to the states of the European Union with a call to impose sanctions on those individuals and organizations that are somehow involved in the implementation of Iran’s missile programs.

  • US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • Reuters
  • © Nicholas Kamm / Pool

Earlier, the US Secretary of State said that the launch of Nur-1 should be considered for compliance with UN Security Council resolution 2231, which approved the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA).

Recall, April 22, Iran launched its first military satellite called "Nur-1." According to the Iranian Mehr agency, the device was put into orbit 425 km high with the help of the Kaced launch vehicle.

Response to criticism

After the launch of a military satellite and the emergence of new accusations against Tehran by the United States, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the country did not have missiles that could carry a nuclear charge.

“Iran has neither nuclear weapons, nor missiles“ designed in such a way that they are capable of delivering ”such terrible weapons,” Zarif wrote on Twitter.

US has been bullying all against UNSC Resolution 2231 since 2017.

Europe obeyed US instead of 2231.

Neither can lecture Iran based on flimsy misreadings of UNSCR 2231.

Iran neither has nukes nor missiles “DESIGNED to be capable of carrying” such horrific arms.

Guess who do?

- Javad Zarif (@JZarif) April 24, 2020

At the same time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting at a briefing on Iran’s launch of a military satellite, said the terms of the nuclear deal did not limit Tehran’s right to explore space.

“Neither the resolution itself (UN Security Council 2231. - RT ), nor the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) in any way limit Tehran’s rights and capabilities in terms of space exploration and development of relevant national programs,” the diplomat emphasized.

According to Zakharova, the “futile attempts” of analysts in Washington to imagine everything as if Iranian space rockets could carry nuclear weapons is “a fraud that breaks into reality.”

“There is no Iran, there has not been and, hopefully, there will never be nuclear weapons. Iran, as called for by the resolution (UNSC 2231. - RT ), does not develop, test, possess or use ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. We emphasize, unlike the United States, that surprise the world every day with news about plans to develop its nuclear missile potential, ”the spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry said.

  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
  • RIA News
  • © Valery Melnikov

At the same time, the US reaction to the launch of Zakharov’s first military satellite was explained by the fact that “someone in Washington does not like it” stubbornly following Tehran’s obligations, “despite the unprecedented pressure and difficulties deliberately created by the American authorities.”

“Indeed, in this case, the focus of global attention will inevitably be gaps and violations of the United States itself, which, as you know, claim to be exceptional. In this case, the unceremoniousness with which the United States manipulate the provisions of UNSCR 2231 and the extremely cynical approach to international law, which, according to the oceans, is an indispensable guide to action for all other countries except the United States, are exceptional, ”said the representative Russian Foreign Ministry.

"To increase pressure"

According to political scientists, the situation when “conflicting statements” about the Nur-1 satellite appear in different departments is not extraordinary for the United States.

“The US authorities and military leaders do not scare their conflicting statements. The main thing for the American military and political leadership is to be at the center of all media stories. The United States in this sense is used to dominating the information space. They believe that they can say anything and anytime. And they won’t be anything for it, ”Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, said in a conversation with RT.

Statements by the US Secretary of State and the American General, despite their inconsistency, are quite consistent with the foreign policy of the United States, says Bruter.

“Usually, Washington’s reactions to their competitors demonstrating their technological development are of two kinds. The first is alarmism, statements about the need to urgently take countermeasures. The second is the leveling of the achievements of anyone, except for the USA and its allies, ”the expert explained.

According to him, in this case, Washington uses both methods simultaneously. Including in order to nullify the significance of the results that the Iranian side has achieved.

“The successful launch of a military satellite first of all testifies to the development of the space program by Iran, which does not contradict the UN decisions on the one hand, and on the other, does not threaten the United States,” the analyst emphasized.

  • Iranian military satellite "Nur-1"
  • Reuters
  • © WANA / Sepah News

Political analyst Alexander Asafov adheres to a similar point of view. He believes that the statement by the commander of the US Space Forces is aimed at maximizing the devaluation of Iran’s achievements in the space field.

“In the interpretation of the American military commander, launching a military satellite is some kind of nonsense that should not be taken seriously. However, if the United States really thought so, then they would not be worried about this and would not continue to constantly monitor its activities. In addition, Raymond said that even sending a satellite into the space with a webcam, as he claims, is the result of serious technological work, ”Asafov said in an interview with RT.

According to him, the Pompeo statement pursues another goal - to give a negative connotation to the launch of a military satellite by Iran.

“Moreover, if it is necessary to come up with any kind of threat, the United States will attack Iran with even greater fervor, claiming that its space program is dangerous for the whole world,” the analyst suggested.

According to Asafov, Washington now needs new accusations against Iran to expand sanctions against the republic.

“Now Washington, in fact, takes advantage of the situation. Of course, this is done to increase sanctions pressure and terminate Iran’s trade agreements with Europe. Washington needs a reason. Trump regards the Islamic Republic as a political opponent. And in this case, the space activity of Iran, which is called ridiculous at the Pentagon and dangerous at the State Department, can become a reason for new restrictions, ”the expert said.

He also noted that possible measures by the American side to increase economic pressure on Tehran could create “new inconvenient circumstances” for those EU countries that continue to cooperate with Iran.

“It is paradoxical that these states of Europe will continue to verbally support such a policy of the White House, but in reality they will try to mitigate the negative consequences for themselves, as they did before. In particular, they created financial mechanisms for interacting with Iran, bypassing restrictions. Europe now has so many problems, it will not go to a new toll war with the United States. At the same time, the EU also does not intend to give up trade and other relations with Tehran, ”the analyst says.

Vladimir Bruter shares this view and predicts that, despite Washington’s desire, the arms embargo against Iran in the UN Security Council will most likely not be extended.

“Here everything will depend on the positions of Russia and China. And Moscow has already announced its intention to support Iran in this matter. The UN ban is likely to be a thing of the past. However, this does not mean that the United States and its allies will implement the new decisions of the United Nations, and even more so will stop the political and economic pressure on the Islamic republic, ”the expert concluded.