Teller Report

Victory is negotiating Japanese defender Yoshida to join him next season

4/24/2020, 10:04:19 PM

Italy's Toto Mercato newspaper reported that Al-Nasr had expressed interest in signing Japanese international defender Maya Yoshida, starting next season. And Yoshida, who plays for Italy's Sampdoria on loan from Southampton until the end of the season, may not be

Italy's Toto Mercato newspaper reported that Al-Nasr had expressed interest in signing Japanese international defender Maya Yoshida, starting next season. She explained that Yoshida, who plays for Italy's Sampdoria on loan from Southampton until the end of the season, may not continue in "Calcio", because Al-Nasr entered a party in negotiations with the player who will return to the English club at the end of next June.

It is reported that Maya Yoshida is 31 years old and participated with Southampton in eight Premier League matches in the first half of the season, before moving to Sampdoria in January, when he played one league game.

On the other hand, Al-Nasr's Spanish star Alvaro Negredo considered that the current time is not appropriate to resume football activity, especially the league, saying that it may take a long time, and it may be more appropriate to resume it in the summer or early next season.

He stressed in an interview with the Spanish newspaper "Elantra" that he does not know exactly how this problem will be solved, but he said that the most important thing for all is public health in light of the Corona virus pandemic.

Negredo praised the controls set by the UAE, saying that it had helped a lot in curbing the spread of the virus, noting that he hoped that the heat factor would also be helpful in eliminating it.

Negredo: The time is not right for football to resume