Teller Report

The Hockey Association opens for scrutiny

4/24/2020, 2:31:19 PM

The other day, the Hockey Association's general secretary, Tommy Boustedt, announced that he would resign following information on misconduct at the office. Among other things, long-time employee Anders Feltenmark had to leave his job due to lack of work. Which prompted several well-known Three Kronor profiles to protest in an open letter.

The Ice Hockey Association (SIF) now opens to allow lawyers to review the agreement with the employee.

“There is nothing to hide from SIF. We are therefore prepared to immediately accept from our side that the contract confidentiality is lifted so that such an independent review can be done, ”the Ishockey Association writes in a press release.

The union maintains that the agreement is made according to customary rules and that they cannot comment on the case in more detail unless the employee agrees to it.

“On SIF's part, we have been - and continue to be - careful to respect contractual confidentiality. This has led to SIF's grounds for motion for the agreement being made suspect as we could not comment more on this personnel matter, either about the agreement itself or the background to it ”.

SVT Sport explains: The Ice Hockey Association's crisis year of 90 seconds

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SVT Sport explains: The Ice Hockey Association's crisis year of 90 seconds