Teller Report

Ståhl about the preseason: "Almost threw world record ..."

4/24/2020, 9:13:13 PM

On June 11, Daniel Ståhl will make his season debut at Bislett Games in Oslo. But at home in Växjö, the Discus star has trained hard to keep fit. - I almost broke the world record indoors in a football hall, he says in SVT's Hockey Night.

On Thursday, Bislett Games announced that it will not be possible to complete the competition as an ordinary Diamond League gala due to travel restrictions around the world. Instead, it will be a kind of show competition, on June 11, where a number of world stars will compete in a gala that will be an hour long.

Daniel Ståhl will then make a seasonal debut. Expectations are high for the 27-year-old after last year's success year, which was crowned with a World Cup gold in September.

- It will be fun to start competing again now. I don't think much about the corona that is going on now. I run my own race. Me and my coach have the attitude to throw as far as it can go, whether it be a championship or not, he says in SVT's Hockey Night.

Takes 320 in squats

Do you believe in world records in the future?

- Yes, I think so. Within two years, I'll do it. I almost broke the world record indoors in a football hall here in Växjö, Tipshallen. It is approximately 69.5 meters. But outdoors I haven't set a world record for training and competition yet. What I need to develop is the angle of attack and then that I'm a little more aggressive in the draft and not as good as I usually do.

Can you tell us how to prepare for the upcoming competition?

- We have been running rock hard basic training and I have lifted the barbell for four days for eight years, he says.

Ståhl also reveals that he takes 200 kilos in bench press and 320 kilos in squats.

The reason why a discus star was in Hockey tonight is simply due to his hockey background. At a young age, Ståhl played with Mika Zibanejad.

"Today, I'm probably glad we didn't meet in the corner," Zibanejad jokingly said.