Teller Report

Nannskog about Zlatan in Hammarby: "Feels like he'll put on that sweater"

4/24/2020, 4:40:36 PM

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been training with Hammarby lately. SVT Sports expert Daniel Nannskog now believes that we can see the star play in the Stockholm team. - The more you hear the talk from Zlatan, the more it really feels like he'll put on that shirt.

It was in an interview with Dplay today that Zlatan Ibrahimovic for the first time opened up about the future and whether it might be relevant to play for Hammarby.

- We'll see what happens. Today it is not relevant considering that I belong to Milan, Zlatan said.

Now Daniel Nannskog thinks it may have gone so far that it will not only be training with Hammarby for Zlatan - but real matches for the superstar, who is a partner in the club.

- I think he is going to start playing that match against Malmö in particular. It may make the decision that we, as I know in any case, will see Zlatan in the Hammarby jersey in the Swedes.

"Want to take up the fight with Malmö FF"

And it is precisely the frosty atmosphere between Zlatan and Malmö FF, which has long been seen as the given choice in Sweden, that makes Nannskog think it could be Bajen for the star instead of coming home to Skåne.

- He feels a little blown by Malmö. So clearly it hurts him very much that the statue is ruined and that this bad relationship between each other is obtained. And it feels like now with Bajen he wants to take up the fight properly with Malmö FF.

Zlatan about games in the Swedish: "We'll see what happens"

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic does not close the door to games in the Swedish. Photo: TT