Teller Report

Landeskog: "If you are not stimulated, the change will be great"

4/24/2020, 5:43:30 AM

Sports around the world have been paused because of the corona pandemic. Then there is a lot of time left to ponder - including what happens after the career. - I think it's important to talk about. We retire at 35-40 years and if you are not stimulated, the change will be great, says Colorado captain Gabriel Landeskog to SVT Sport.

Gabriel Landeskog has played for Colorado in the NHL for nine years and has also been the team captain for eight. Right now he is in Toronto with his family and much of the time he is spending on his six month old daughter.

- You have to be a dad full time, it's very fun. Yesterday there was some gardening as well, a small new hobby, says Landeskog in SVT's Hockey Evening Special.

Landeskog is only 27 years old, but has already thought a little about what happens after his career.

- I listened to Steve Nash, a great basketball player in the NBA, and he said that elite athletes die twice. Once as everyone does but even once when you quit your sport. It sounds pretty aggressive but it makes a very big difference after you leave and then it is important to have something to do. It can be a hobby like golf or a company, something you find interesting. I think it's important, he says.

He himself likes to read and has recently bought a piano.

- Somewhere it is about finding oneself and what one's interests are. We have been playing hockey since we were 5-6 years old, so it is important to find what you are passionate about. We retire when we are 35-40 years and if you are not stimulated, I think it will be a big change.

Do you talk a lot within the team what happens after the career?

- It happens well, but I think many are afraid to talk about it. You do not know what to do, many have no plans. However, I have a teammate who wants to open a restaurant so, sometimes we talk about it and I think it's important. You don't want to stop thinking about hockey, that's our job. But it has to be prepared and not afraid to have a hobby.