Teller Report

Judges for Democracy, to Iglesias: "Disregard for the truth as pressure on judicial independence is inadmissible"

4/24/2020, 7:37:13 PM

The progressive association Judges and Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has released this Friday a statement expressing its resounding rejection of the protests carried out by

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The progressive association Judges and Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has released this Friday a statement expressing its resounding rejection of the demonstrations made by the Vice President of the Government Pablo Iglesias "linking the sentence against the deputy in the Madrid Assembly, Isa Serra, with an alleged tolerance towards those accused of corruption who would have gone unpunished, contrary to what would happen in the case of people protesting an eviction. "

The aforementioned judicial association maintains that the conviction of the spokesperson for Unidas Podemos "has not been for the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and assembly, and a simple reading of the proven facts of the aforementioned judgment is sufficient for this. " Serra was sentenced by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid to 19 months in prison for crimes of attack on the authority, injuries and damages for having insulted, pushed and thrown objects at the Municipal Police officers when trying to prevent an eviction in Lavapiés in 2014.

After knowing the sentence, Iglesias, through his account on the social network Twitter, stated that "the sentences are complied with (and in this case are appealed) but a huge sense of injustice invades me. In Spain many people feel that very corrupt powerful remain unpunished thanks to their privileges and contacts, while those who protested a shameful eviction are sentenced. "

We can charge against the sentence that sentences Isa Serra to 19 months in prison

For the progressive association of magistrates, "statements such as those made are not in accordance with the responsibilities held by members of the Government, which are none other than promoting respect and trust in our judicial system. Especially when those involve a distortion of the content of the judicial decision ".

From Judges and Judges for Democracy emphasize that "contempt for the truth with a view to pressuring judicial independence is not admissible."

The CGPJ statement

They also refer to the statement issued this Thursday by the General Council of the Judiciary , facing criticism from the vice president, pointing out that the governing body of the judges chaired by Carlos Lesmes "has been in an extension situation since December 2018 with serious deterioration of the the functioning of our institutions "and they add that" it maintains a clear bias when choosing the public demonstrations of the political leaders subject to its criticism, and it maintains a scandalous silence, as was the case with the harsh and unfair criticism of the judges who they passed the judgment of the "Gürtel" case, in clear reference to the magistrate of the National Court, José Ricardo de Prada , member of the aforementioned association.

Along with JJpD, the association Foro Judicial Independiente (FJI) was the first to issue a harsh statement reproaching Pablo Iglesias for his comments "absolutely not respectful of the separation of powers" and that they represent "an interference in the Judiciary". From this last judicial association they stressed that, despite the declaration of the state of alarm, "the separation of powers is inherent in every democratic State and must be respected by all, especially by those who embody one of the powers of the State."

On the other hand, the majority Association of Prosecutors has published this Friday another statement expressing its discomfort against the Executive Vice President where he maintains that "without prejudice to an outright defense of freedom of expression and the right to legitimate criticism, this type of public declarations - which have deserved reproach even by the CGPJ itself - far exceed that scope. "

Prosecutors show their rejection of demonstrations that "come from a member of the Executive with high responsibilities, and whose action calls into question from one of the powers of the State the separation of constitutional powers as one of the pillars of our democracy."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Pablo Iglesias
  • United We Can
  • Twitter
  • Spain
  • General Council of the Judiciary
  • National audience
  • Justice
  • Corruption

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