Teller Report

Finnish star: "Maybe someone comes in to give them what they deserve"

4/24/2020, 2:07:31 PM

Luleå's Finnish back star Ronja Savolainen supported the women's boycott last fall and wanted to see a change in Swedish women's hockey. The recent turbulence in the Swedish Hockey Association has contributed to the resignation of Secretary-General Tommy Boustedt. - Now maybe someone will come in to give them (the women's players) what they deserve, says Savolainen in SVT's Hockey Night Special.

For five seasons, Ronja Savolainen has belonged to Luleå hockey and followed the Swedish ice hockey closely. She has previously vented her dissatisfaction with how her Swedish colleagues have been treated and is highlighting the recent turbulence as a possible path to improvement.

- I have heard that there will be change in the union. Maybe some man or woman will pay more attention to the ladies and give them what they deserve. They deserve much more, I hope it goes in the right direction and that it will be positive for the ladies.

The difference between the conditions of Swedish and Finnish women players is great and Savolainen points out that

- They (the Finnish Hockey Association) fully support us. We get a scholarship, which makes it easier for us as we do not have to work during the season and can focus on training fully and also get the rest you need. You really have to thank the Finnish federation for what they do for us and for believing in us.