Teller Report

Consistent with UEFA's decision! Serie A will postpone the end of the season until August 2

4/24/2020, 3:04:30 AM

  Chinanews client April 24th The Italian Football Association announced on the official website on the morning of 24th Beijing time that the Serie A finish date of this season was postponed from June 30 to August 2, which was decided at the meeting with the UEFA Executive Committee be consistent.

Data map: On March 8, local time, Serie A Juventus played against Inter Milan.

  The Italian Football Association President Gravina said: "The football field is constantly and responsibly striving to find concrete and sustainable solutions to the crisis caused by the new crown virus, including finding solutions for the 2020-2021 season."

  "We explained our approach in detail at the meeting and resumed the game when it was safe. This is in accordance with the recommendations of the relevant international organizations. I will send the adopted agreement to the relevant departments."

  According to reports, on Tuesday, the Serie A 20 club had unanimously voted to complete the season, but it will still depend on the development of the epidemic and the government's decision. The Italian Football Association hopes that the club will resume training on May 4.

  Affected by the epidemic, Serie A entered a suspended state on March 9th. Juventus, Rome and other clubs have made salary reduction decisions to overcome the crisis. (Finish)