Teller Report

US plans to strengthen presence in Arctic

4/23/2020, 8:34:13 PM

The US plans to open a consulate in Greenland and allocate more than $ 12 million to strengthen its presence in the Arctic, a high-ranking State Department spokesman said during a briefing.

“We are, as everyone knows, an Arctic country for 150 years, so there is nothing new in that we are involved in the affairs of the Arctic, and we are encouraged by the prospects of reopening our consulate in Nuuk this summer,” TASS quoted him as saying.

The US goal is to become a priority partner of the Arctic states, including in Greenland, the official explained.

“As part of these efforts, we have developed, in consultation with the Kingdom of Denmark and the Greenland authorities, a $ 12.1 million financing package to give a kind of impetus to these new endeavors - the revival, if you like, of our interaction with Greenland,” the representative added American Foreign Ministry, emphasizing that we are not talking about the "purchase of Greenland".

In December 2019, Danish Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen announced that the country was going to allocate about $ 221 million to strengthen defense in the Arctic.

In mid-August of the same year, US President Donald Trump announced that he was interested in buying the Danish-owned Greenland from a strategic point of view. In Denmark and Greenland, this proposal provoked a negative reaction.

At the same time, the head of the representative office of Greenland in the European Union, Mininguaq Kleist, said that Nuuk was in favor of expanding cooperation with Washington.