Teller Report

The IVA doctor: It was extremely pressed then and extremely pressed now

4/23/2020, 8:04:41 PM

The Public Health Authority speaks and spoke as late as Thursday that we are on a plateau in terms of covid-19. Karin Hildebrand, intensive care physician at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm, visited Aktuellt tonight. She addresses the use of the word plateau.

- I might like to nuance the word plateau. I think plateau can indicate some kind of stability, that the situation is a bit under control. For us in healthcare, the load is extremely high and plateau means that it remains extremely high, says Hildebrand.

Hildebrand was visiting Aktuellt tonight just as she did two weeks ago.

How is the difference today?

- It was extremely pressed then and extremely pressed now. If anything, we are tired, more worried about the lack of drugs and materials.

Is there a shortage?

- There is a shortage of medicines, but we intensively feel that we have enough safety equipment, says Hildebrand.