Teller Report

Rebecca has won her battle, she will be operated on in Germany despite the Coronavirus

4/23/2020, 9:13:25 PM

In ten days the 14 year old from Forno Canavese will be able to go to Germany to undergo a delicate surgery. The result was achieved thanks to an initiative supported by people and institutions who managed to overcome the difficulties of the Covid emergency


April 23, 2020 Rebecca made it. The 14-year-old from Forno Canavese (Turin), pending a delicate surgery that cannot be performed in Italy, will be operated on in Freiburg. The hospitalization was scheduled for May 4. Her mother Alessia made it known, thanking "all those who held out her hand in a terrible moment of despair and darkness". The move to Germany, scheduled for the past few weeks, had been blocked by the epidemic. The stubbornness of the mother who involved government, parliamentarians and regional advisers in the battle got the better of the emergency.

Rebecca has been fighting for years with two rare pathologies, the Chiari malformation and the CSF hypotension, for which she must undergo a delicate invasive surgical intervention that cannot be carried out in Italy. "I am happy and confused - says the mother - There are many things to organize, but now I only think of saying thanks to all those who helped us. It all seemed so impossible and instead we did it. I am so tired that I don't I still can enjoy this moment. Let's say that I have had enormous support from many human and proactive people by my side, otherwise I would not have achieved anything myself. "

"Tonight I definitely had the best news since the beginning of the pandemic," comments the Canavese regional councilor of the League, Andrea Cane. "Rebecca's case has struck me in the heart since the first day it was reported to me - he adds - and it was a real joy to share this happy ending with Alessia's mother today. I always told the family, I would never left until I knew the date, on all fronts: from colleagues from the Region to Salvini, from doctors to the press. Politics is service, those who forget it do not do their job: my final thanks is therefore bipartisan or I thank all politicians, consuls, officials and doctors of any orientation who have contributed to this positive result ".

"In ten days Rebecca, the 14 year old from Forno Canavese who has been bedridden for some time due to a suspected occult hypotension syndrome, will finally be able to fly to Germany, after the hospitalization had been blocked due to the Coronavirus, for the long awaited operation ". This was stated in a note by Francesca Bonomo, a Canavese MP from the Democratic Party. "Immediately after the appeal launched by the parents, especially by my mother Alessia, I activated myself by involving the Farnesina so that an agreement could be found to be able to transfer the young girl to Freiburg as soon as possible to receive adequate care - adds the exponent dem This is a victory for everyone, beyond the political sides, so thanks to the doctors, all the parliamentary colleagues, the regional councilors and the local administrators, without forgetting the journalists who have dealt with this affair. Rebecca, to whom I send a big hug: I am sure that, in addition to this battle, she will also win the war ".

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