Teller Report

Hubei: Pay close attention to the actual situation and prevent and control the normal epidemic situation

4/23/2020, 11:31:30 PM

  Wang Xiaodong chaired the provincial government party group (enlarged) meeting to emphasize

  Pay close attention to the details, normalize the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, make steady progress, implement the "six guarantees" task

  Hubei Daily News (Reporter Gan Yong) Recently, Wang Xiaodong, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, governor and secretary of the provincial government party committee, chaired the provincial government party group (expansion) meeting, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Central Political Bureau meeting, and the implementation of the Provincial Committee Standing Committee meeting. To study the implementation measures of the government system.

  The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired the Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee on April 17 to analyze and judge the situation of the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic at home and abroad and the current economic situation, and make arrangements for the current epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Guidance, pertinence and operability; in particular, it puts forward new requirements for doing a good job in Hubei Province and Wuhan City, which fully reflects the cordial care of the Hubei people and the people of Wuhan by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. We must unify our thoughts and actions into the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s important speech and important instructions, strengthen our confidence and determination, grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic on the one hand, and the economic development on the other, ensure that both hands are hard and both wars win, and strive to win the epidemic "Double victory" in prevention and control and economic and social development.

  The meeting pointed out that the province's epidemic situation was evaluated as low risk, but low risk does not mean zero risk. We must pay close attention to the prevention and control of the normal epidemic situation, insist on internal prevention of rebound, external prevention of output, and strict prevention of input, careful treatment and careful care of each patient, and continue to grasp the prevention and control measures of the community, public places, enterprises and institutions. Strengthen the investigation and management of key populations, especially those with asymptomatic infections, and continue to consolidate and expand the situation of the epidemic. We must pay close attention to improving post-epidemic syndrome, strengthening weak links, filling shortcomings, improving the public health emergency management system, improving the efficiency of government emergency management, and continuously improving the ability to deal with major emergencies.

  The meeting called for resolutely implementing the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment of the current economic work, adhering to the overall tone of progress in stability, grasping the details of economic and social development, and resolutely winning the epidemic and revitalizing the people's livelihood. And economic development. We must focus on solving the employment of key groups such as migrant workers, college graduates, rural poor labor, and unemployed people in difficult-to-restore industries, and implement special guarantees for poverty-stricken households, low-income households, and other special difficult groups, and work hard to help enterprises overcome difficulties and ensure food. The production area, output, quality and energy supply of coal, electricity, oil and gas, etc., coordinate the promotion of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, production, supply and marketing, and large and medium-sized enterprises to resume production at the same time. Financial resources are moved down to support grass-roots wage protection, operation and basic people's livelihood. "Guarantee" task. Make every effort to make full use of the macro-control counter-cyclical adjustment policy, take the initiative to report the convergence, and actively strive for national special policy support. Fully expand domestic demand, implement the transformation of old communities, accelerate the construction of traditional infrastructure and new infrastructure such as 5G and artificial intelligence, vigorously develop new economies such as fresh e-commerce retail, "contactless" distribution, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to stimulate the economy The dynamic potential of development. Fully promote reform and opening up, improve the system and mechanism of factor-based market allocation, grasp investment with high quality, and promote open cooperation at a high level. We will do our best to optimize the business environment, deepen the reform of "decentralization management," effectively absorb and gather high-end development factors, and continuously enhance our province's economic innovation and competitiveness.

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