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Coronavirus: a confined ramadan for Muslims in France

4/23/2020, 9:28:24 PM

It will be a very singular Ramadan than this month of Ramadan 2020 which begins this Friday in France and around the world after the "Night of doubt", this Thursday. Closed mosques, no gatherings re…

Coronavirus: a confined ramadan for Muslims in France

In France, mosques will be closed. Chems-Eddine Haffiz, rector of the Paris mosque (on the photo), called on Muslims to pray at home. Wiki Commons / Mbzt

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It will be a very singular Ramadan than this month of Ramadan 2020 which begins this Friday in France and around the world after the "Night of doubt", this Thursday. Closed mosques, no religious gatherings or reunions in the evening for dinner: as for the Jews and Christians who recently celebrated Passover and Easter, the Covid-19 shakes up this great community moment.


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Even if Ramadan is first a month of fasting and prayer, it does not prevent, its family dimension, friendly and festive in the evening is there, and difficult for the faithful not to feel the frustration of a confiscated Ramadan by the Covid-19.

No evening prayers at the mosque, they are closed, and the Quran chanters who come each year from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia stayed at home.

Iftar, the breaking meal of the evening fast, will be consumed at home, alone or in a small family, like the weeks that have passed since the start of confinement.

Likewise isolated or needy people accustomed to the "Ramadan Tables" erected under marquees in the street, will be received by charitable organizations a meal package.

A little sad all the same this Ramadan 2020, even if the confinement can prove conducive to meditation and if the digital tool will allow to follow online sermons and prayers or even to gather around virtual tables.

► Read also: Coronavirus: from producers to consumers, a Ramadan that promises to be complicated in Mali

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  • France
  • Coronavirus
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