Teller Report

With confinement, "half of women business leaders are in the red"

4/22/2020, 2:28:24 PM

If a large part of entrepreneurs are hard hit by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic and containment, women business leaders are particularly impacted, says Marie Eloy, president of the network "Move your box" on Europe 1. & nbsp;

If a large part of entrepreneurs are hard hit by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic and containment, women business owners are particularly impacted, says Marie Eloy, president of the network "Move your box", on Europe 1 . 


Are we headed for an "unprecedented decline in female entrepreneurship"? Business network for women entrepreneurs, "Move your box" worries about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on economic activity, and ensures that "if all entrepreneurs are impacted, women are more ". Invited Wednesday of La France Bouge , on Europe 1, Marie Eloy, president and founder of the network, insists on the importance of the implementation of help, in particular for the babysitters. 

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"VSEs (very small businesses) represent 95% of the French economy, and women represent a share of between 30 and 40%", recalls Marie Eloy. Since the start of confinement, "Move your box" has conducted a study with 500 leaders, to see how their activity was impacted. And the verdict is worrying: "Half of them are in the red after a month of confinement, and 3/4 are confined with children", warns the guest from Europe 1. The situation is particularly difficult for single mothers. 43% of them "could not maintain any activity during this month", explains Marie Eloy.

"Help is needed for babysitters"

To help its members, the collective quickly reacted and set up "a hotline to manage all issues related to Covid-19, as well as expert meetings with lawyers, accountants, to support leaders, network cafes, etc. ".


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But, for Marie Eloy, the current situation particularly highlights the issue of childcare, which reinforces the inequalities between men and women in the face of the crisis. "We would like this to be the case for everyone, men and women, but in reality, even today, it rests on the shoulders of women," she continues, before questioning: "Once the confinement past, what will happen until the normal resumption of schools and kindergartens? "

Because for "Move your box", when the deconfinement has started, "the business leaders, generally representing the lowest salary of a household, will very often be those who will sacrifice their activity to be able to keep their children during the day". "We must find solutions and help for these babysitters," calls Marie Eloy.