Teller Report

VIDEO. Flour sales soar during containment

4/22/2020, 1:58:12 PM

Every day, "20 Minutes" advises you on a video made by its partner "Brut"

Unprecedented craze for wheat flour - Canva / 20 Minutes

Confined, floured. If you have read our (excellent) article, you know it is the madness of making bread in confinement. But not only… Madeleines, pancakes, lemon cake, everyone gets their hands dirty, especially when the children are more deprived of school. We distract ourselves, we eat, we do good. Besides, have you noticed the big void in the wheat flour department? Admit, you are one of those people who had to fall back on chestnut flour, spelled, or even nutmeg at some point.

Because here, since the beginning of containment, flour manufacturers have been faced with crazy demand. For example, in this Deux-Sèvres flour mill, the demand for sachets of 1 kg of flour has been multiplied by… 22. An extraordinary situation, to be discovered in this video from our partner, Brut.


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  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Containment
  • Gastronomy
  • Gross
  • Bread