Teller Report

Tuktamysheva: I want to return to the ice

4/22/2020, 4:01:24 PM

World and European Champion in 2015 in figure skating Elizaveta Tuktamysheva admitted that she is looking forward to returning to the ice after quarantine associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

“I want to return to the ice. It would seem that there was already a long break in my life when I could not ride for several months. But now it’s completely different. Not much time has passed, but the lack of meetings, training, lack of movement. In the literal sense there is nowhere to put energy. And this is despite the fact that I have two workouts a day. I represent in paints my first meeting with skates, ”wrote Tuktamysheva on Instagram.

In the world recorded more than 2.5 million cases of coronavirus.

Previously, the skater Konstantinova explained why she is not in a romantic relationship.