Teller Report

Towards a return to training on May 11 and competitions behind closed doors?

4/22/2020, 4:43:18 PM

This is apparent from the minutes of a meeting on the resumption of activities in France after May 11 published Tuesday evening

Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu at a press conference on February 20, 2020 in Paris. - Tristan Reynaud / SIPA

The resumption of sports activities in France is becoming clearer. In any case, a project was put on the table for after May 11 and the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu was to discuss it with the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, this Wednesday. This is what emerges from a document published Tuesday evening by the French Federation for Underwater Sports and Studies (FFESSM). It is detailed there the report of a meeting which took place on April 17, chaired by Karim Herida (the director of cabinet of Maracineanu) and which attended Gilles Quénéhervé (direction of sports), Philippe Bana (association of DTN ), Ghani Yalouz (director of Insep) and Brigitte Deydier (national sports agency).

Project to resume sports activities: update following the Covid-19 crisis meeting on Monday, April 20. # covid19

- FFESSM (@FFESSM_Off) April 21, 2020

Concerning professional sport, the ministry proposes a resumption of the activity of the athletes from May 11, "with possibility for the athletes to join the sports equipment and a practice in a format still to be refined", it is written. A pre-recovery medical check-up would be compulsory for athletes, and a health doctrine remains to be defined "for the return to high intensity practice for high level athletes". As for the competitions, they would be held behind closed doors "until the end of the season".

Concerning the general public, "the French should be able to run, walk and roll outdoors under normal conditions from May 11," says the document. There too, the need to set up a medical and health doctrine for the French who will resume a sporting activity is highlighted.

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As for clubs, the recovery would be done in three stages. First of all, from May 11 to June 15, sports activities would be authorized only for associations "who wish to help the resumption of the reopening of schools (and therefore not outside this school framework)", is it written . Then, from June 15, associations who wish can resume their activities in small groups, that is to say up to 30 people. Lastly, from the end of August to the beginning of September, the ministry plans to "return to conventional activities", "in compliance with health rules and social distancing probably still in force".


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  • Ministry of Sports
  • Roxana Maracineanu
  • Coronavirus
  • Sport