Teller Report

The Italian businessman Vittorio Colao's schedule to get out of quarantine

4/22/2020, 4:16:12 PM

There will be no freedom for everyone from one moment to the next and many data are missing to start phase two of the quarantine, but work has begun on a methodology to



Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 4:23 PM

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There will be no freedom for everyone from one moment to the next and many data are missing to start phase two of the quarantine, but work has begun on a methodology for reopening . The idea behind businessman Vittorio Colao and his group of experts is to gradually reopen Italy, a way that will serve to adapt the country to coexistence with the virus . With the possibility that, if necessary, more or less wide areas of the transalpine country can return to the scene of the co

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