Teller Report

Strong winds in the north and heavy rain in the south

4/22/2020, 4:37:18 PM

  The new website client Beijing, April 23, affected by the cold air, the recent weather changes frequently, the northeast encounters rare heavy snowfall, north China is now the longest lasting windy weather this year. However, there is no sign of a halt in this trend. Due to the supplementary cold air, the strong winds in the north will continue, and the south will also experience strong convective weather.

The picture shows the sleet weather in Hulunbeier. Photo by Peng Bin

One wave after another, cold air replenishes and the temperature drops to freezing point

  In the past few days, due to the strong cold air, there have been obvious strong winds, rain and snow in the northeast region and northern China. This wave of cold air not only shows no signs of retreating, but also has full stamina.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that due to the supplementary cold air, from the night of the 22nd to the 24th, strong winds of magnitude 4 to 6 and wind gusts of 7 to 9 will appear in North China, Northeast China, and East Huanghuai. Before the 27th, the minimum temperature in eastern Jilin and eastern Heilongjiang was still below 0 ℃.

  The cold in the north is expected to be steep, and the temperature in the south will also be affected by the cold air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that due to the continuous infiltration of cold air, 22-27 days, most of the southern regions will continue to have low temperature weather.

  Locally, from the 23rd to the 25th, Beijing continued to be affected by the supplement of cold southward air from the back of the high-altitude cold vortex, with more than 3 and 4 northerly winds. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory continued to issue strong blue warnings at 17:20 on April 22 signal. However, the temperature in Beijing will start to rise gradually and the warmth will return.

  From 23rd to 25th in Shandong, clear skies prevailed in most areas. The north wind blew vigorously, and the gusts were generally around level 6. Under the influence of cold air, the temperature in Shandong is sluggish, especially in the morning and evening, the minimum temperature is only single digits, the north wind keeps blowing, the temperature continues to fall, and there are frost or light frost in some areas at night.

  The temperature in Guiyang and Chongqing will be lower than the same period of the normal year in the coming week, and the highest temperature in Guiyang will not exceed 15 ° C in the next three days, which is more than 7 ° C lower than the same period of the normal year.

Data figure: Pedestrian Chen Guanyan running in the rain

Strong convective weather hits the rain in the south

  This strong cold air not only brought strong winds to cool down, but also brought large-scale heavy precipitation to the south.

  According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from the night of the 22nd to the 24th, there were moderate to heavy rains in southern Jiangnan, central and eastern South China, and central and eastern Yunnan, and local heavy rains, accompanied by convective weather such as thunderstorms and short-term heavy precipitation, the center of rainfall shifted to South China.

  Gao Fei, a weather analyst at China Weather Network, said that from the night of the 22nd to the 24th, precipitation will begin one after another. It is expected that areas with heavy rains will be concentrated in the western and northern parts of Guangdong and eastern Guangxi. There will also be moderate to heavy rain in parts of eastern Yunnan and northwestern China.

  Locally, with the arrival of cold air, the weather pattern in Hainan will change abruptly, and there will be significant cooling and precipitation and strong winds at sea. On the 23rd, Hainan rains increased, and most areas had thunderstorms; from the 24th, Hainan Province will have a wide range of precipitation weather, the northern and eastern regions will have local heavy rain, and some areas will have short-term thunderstorms, strong winds, and strong precipitation. Convective weather.

  In most parts of Guangxi, heavy rains to heavy rains occurred on the 23rd, heavy rainstorms or short-term thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convection weather. In other areas, there were showers or thunderstorms in most cloudy days, and some heavy rains.

  However, the good news is that from the 25th to the 27th, mid-western Yunnan and southern Sichuan will continue to have rainy weather. The amount of rain will be mainly from small to moderate rain. Heavy rain in some areas and local heavy rain will be more beneficial to alleviate the local drought.

The picture shows April 20, Heilongjiang Heihe ushered in blizzard weather. Image source: Sipaphoto

The weather changes frequently, the "superior" cold vortex is the driving force behind

  The recent change in the "busy" weather is overwhelming. The reason is that the cold vortex that is entrenched in the northeast region is "getting involved."

  "Cold vortex" is the abbreviation of cold vortex, which is a cold closed cyclonic circulation. It is a vortex of cold air entrenched in high altitude, rotating counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere. The "cold vortex" is often active in the northeast region, and it is most common in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn. Among them, the frequency of summer is the highest, which can account for 56%.

  Under the effect of the cold vortex, people's most intuitive feeling is the screaming wind. From the 23rd to the 25th, strong winds from Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Shanxi, Northern Henan, Shandong, Northern Jiangsu, and Northern Anhui will continue to blow. However, affected by this, the above-mentioned areas will usher in sunny weather for about a week .

  When the cold vortex rotates, other weather systems are also involuntarily affected. The cold air is guided by the cold vortex and continues to go south and supplement, resulting in low temperatures in most parts of the central and eastern regions. The northeast has recently felt winter, and other regions in the north Feeling cool, like Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Shandong, and Shanxi, the highest temperature recently dropped to around 15 ° C, and the maximum temperature in most southern areas will drop below 20 ° C.

  An important skill of the cold vortex is to make rain and snow. At its center, there is a strong converging updraft, coupled with sufficient water vapor, and the precipitation will be triggered at once. If the temperature is low enough, snow will form. Recently, Northeast China and Inner Mongolia were pushed by the cold vortex behind them, creating a record snow. (Finish)

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