Teller Report

Russia held many events to commemorate Lenin ’s 150th birthday

4/22/2020, 11:22:30 PM

  China News Agency, Moscow, April 22 (Reporter Wang Xiujun) April 22, 2020 is the 150th anniversary of the birth of the proletarian revolutionary Lenin. On that day, Russia held many commemorative activities.

Data map: Moscow Red Square. China News Service reporter Wang Xiujun

  Chairman of the Russian Communist Party Zyuganov and some party members and representatives of left-wing social groups went to Lenin's tomb on the Red Square in Moscow to present flowers. According to Yushchenko, a member of the Russian Communist Party in the State Duma (lower house of parliament), everyone maintained a "safe social distance" during the dedication.

  Russian Communist Party members and left-wing social groups in St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Kaluga, Penza and other places also held a ceremony to lay flowers to Lenin.

  Members of the Yakutsk-Russian Communist Party and left-wing social groups held a rally in the form of online video and sang "International Song". In addition, some local Communist Party members also carried out voluntary labor.

  Ulyanovsk Oblast, the hometown of Lenin, played the drama "Ulyanov Family" on the Internet that day. Lenin-themed exhibitions hosted by Ulyanovsk State Museum of Art, Ulyanovsk State Contemporary Historical Archive and Drama Theater are also displayed online.

  Previously, the Russian Communist Party planned to invite a number of national Communist Party delegations to hold a large international conference in April to commemorate Lenin ’s 150th birthday. However, due to the current epidemic situation, the conference could not be held as scheduled. Zyuganov said earlier that the conference will be postponed.

  On the same day, the Russian Communist Party organizations in Kazan, Tatarstan and other regions also decided to postpone the event to commemorate Lenin's birthday.

  Lenin was born on April 22, 1870 in Osimbilsk (present-day Ulyanovsk), and was the main creator of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union. (Finish)

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