Teller Report

No, a video does not show dolphins in the confined port of Hyères

4/22/2020, 3:43:12 PM

Video showing two dolphins swimming in a port is widely shared by internet users convinced that the scene was filmed in Hyères

A dolphin (illustration). - Pixabay

  • During confinement, several photos and videos showing animals in areas usually populated by humans cause a lot of comments and sharing on social networks.
  • A sequence showing two dolphins swimming in a port thus fascinates many Internet users. It would have been filmed in Hyères, in the Var, according to its description.
  • This is not the case, as the municipality confirms at 20 Minutes  : the footage was actually immortalized in Turkey in mid-April.

Alone in the middle of the boats moored in a port, two dolphins regularly emerge from the water to better dive back into it, while a videographer immortalizes the scene from the quay, just a few meters from the two mammals.

“Port d'Hyères [Var] this morning. The speed at which nature takes its rights in the absence of human hysteria is quite impressive !!! ", Raves the Facebook user who has shared this sequence with more than 69,000 views since April 19. "The port of Hyères, just excellent", comments another internet user who also shared the video - with more than 47,000 cumulative views for his part - on the social network.

But contrary to what these two posts claim, the sequence was not filmed in this Mediterranean port during the confinement.


Contacted by 20 Minutes , the municipality confirms: “It is not the port of Hyères. The covering, the moorings and the bollards do not correspond with [those of] the video and to [our] knowledge, no dolphins close to shore have been seen since the beginning of the confinement. A visit to the port of Hyères via Google Street View suffices to note that the docks do not correspond to those seen on the video.

On the other hand, various Turkish media reported in mid-April on this surprising visit by dolphins in the Ataköy Marina, a particularly imposing port in Istanbul, which in particular hosts many yachts in an area particularly popular with tourists.

A video filmed near Istanbul

We also find the famous sequence directly on the Instagram page of the Ataköy Marina, in a publication put online on April 16 with the caption: "Nature takes back what belongs to it." Dolphins are back ”.

İstanbul'da insanların evlere çekilmesi, boğazın rengini bile değiştirdi. Aynı zamanda, hiç görülmeyen yerlerde yunuslar görülmeye başlandı.
Burası Ataköy yat limanı, görüntüler bugünden ...

- Biliyor Muydunuz (@bilio_muydunuz) April 15, 2020

The video was first posted on Twitter the day before by a surfer who explained that he had filmed it that day at the Atakoÿ Marina. This can also be checked there on Google Street View, where we recognize this part of the platform.

The part of the Ataköy Marina quay, in Istanbul (Turkey), visible in the viral video of dolphins swimming in a port. - screenshot / Google Street View

Since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic and the containment adopted in different countries, several photos or videos have been presented on social networks as a sign of the unusual behavior of certain animals, as National Geographic emphasized from the March.

This is sometimes true, and other times overinterpreted, like a New Delhi surfer who thought that the swans had reinvested in the canals of Venice thanks to the absence of tourists ... So that we already saw on the neighboring island of Burano before this very particular context.


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  • Society
  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Fake Off
  • Harbor
  • Dolphin