Teller Report

Littfest will survive next year

4/22/2020, 2:34:24 PM

There will be no Littfest in Umeå this year, but the International Literature Festival will survive until next year. It notifies the organizers on its Facebook page.

Due to the fact that a majority of ticket holders have not requested their money back and that donors and partners such as the municipality of Umeå, the Swedish National Council for Culture and others have shown great goodwill, the economy is merging.

“Littfest lives on - thanks to you all. If this tumultuous period has given us anything, there is hope for association and literature Sweden. These displays of consideration have not only proved necessary for us to continue practically running Littfest in the coming years, the solidarity shown has also contributed with the necessary desire and willingness to revamp us - which might otherwise have been missing after a lost year. Work on Littfest 2021 will soon begin, so thanks to all of you who have helped, again. Our only concern right now is a continuing pandemic, ”the statement states.